annotated bib

I have 3 sources already written
Dubicka, Bernadka, et al. Editorial: Screen Time, Social Media and Developing Brains: a Cause for Good or Corrupting Young Minds? Shibboleth Authentication Request, The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 18 Aug. 2019,
The editorial written by Bernadka Dubicka, Jennifer Martin, Joseph Firth explores how screen time and social media are affecting our generation. These authors all have expierence writing on mental health, but specifically mental health for adolescents. Joseph Firth is a researcher from The University Of Manchester. Firth specializes in youth mental health, and digital heatlh. Jenifer Martin is an author and speaker, with many of her books being quite successful.
This editorial goes into depth on the affects that the digital lifestyle has had on our youth. In one instance a young man states: this is my heroin it’s the heroin of our generation This young man was saying this while holding up a cellphone, calling it the heroin of his generation. The article then begins to mention the digital divide, a divide amongst people who are so ingested in their online prescense they forget about their real life prescense.
I plan to use this editorial to back my argument with quotes. The quotes in this editorial made for a great argument and they had a lot of useful evidence.

Swingle, Mari. i-Minds : How Cell Phones, Computers, Gaming, and Social Media are Changing our Brains, our Behavior, and the Evolution of our Species, New Society Publishers, 2016. ProQuest Ebook Central,

    I Minds: How Cell Phones, Computers, Gaming, and Social Media are Changing our Brains, our Behavior, and the Evolution of our Species is written by Mari Swingle, who has a  PhD in clinical Physcology. Swingle is also a practicing clinician, and a certified neurotherapist.
    In this book, Swindle advocates for a reduction on children using electronic devices. She uses several case studies to prove her point, and these studies state that these children were normal, but after prolonged use of electronic devices they became anxious or depressed. In the book, she constantly refers to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and how this has been misdiagnosed for so long. She claims that most of these diagnoses are incorrect, and that all these kids need is to go outside or get off the electronics. I personally am diagnosed with this disorder, but it makes me think if I was properly diagnosed.
    This book was extremely interesting to read, but it was quite long. I have read this book before this project, as one of my parents made me. I do remember quite a lot, but I did go back over it to refresh my knowledge. This book makes a plethora of great points, and each point is backed with more research. I will use this book in my final essay to evaluate and argue using the evidence from this book.

Azemi K, Shehni Yailagh M, Garavand Y. Challenges of Smart Life: The Role of Psychological Well-being and Mental Health in Predicting Cell Phone Addiction of Adolescents. Depiction of Health 2019; 10(3): 197-207

I just need 5 non academic sources, cited and given an annotated bibliography on how CELL PHONES AFFECT MENTAL HEALTH

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