APOL 104 Quiz 1 Answers

APOL 104 Quiz 1 Answers

APOL 104 Quiz 1

1. Christianity is unique in its belief that humanity is hopeless and spiritual dead unable to save themselves through human effort.

2. Jesus never referred to the authority of the Old Testament.

3. The following cannot be said of the Bible.

4. In cultural apologetics one must be careful because there is often exposure to the darker side of human depravity.

5. When Jesus presented the Gospel most people accepted it the first time they heard it.

6. William Ramsay who was a skeptic about the historical accuracy of the Bible changed his mind after researching one of the gospel writers detail to titles of historical figures. The writer was:

7. When presenting the gospel to the people Christians should be:

8. All copies of the biblical manuscript are inspired just like the original manuscripts.

9. Leaving the ground unplowed and unused every seventh year is one example of how the bible included scientific knowledge before it was known and taught by scientists.

10. According to Geisler, the central theme of the bible is:

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