Basic Elements of Marketing

Research a local health care organization of your choice, and complete the following tasks:

  • Perform a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis, listing at least 2 points in each area.
    • Information can be gathered from the Web site or articles about similar organizations from the readings. For example, extended hours of operation could be a strength (internal).
  • Choose 1 strength or opportunity, and create a marketing strategy that would promote a competitive advantage for this organization within the community being targeted.
  • Determine whether your approach will be market penetration, development, diversification, consolidation, or strategic alliances.
  • Are you the market leader, a challenger, a follower, or are you creating a market niche?

NOTE: You need to support your work with at least 4 academic or professional peer-reviewed sources that were published within the past 5 years.


3-5 pages excluding cover, abstract, and reference pages

Risk Stratification Case Study

Research a local health care organization of your choice, and complete the following tasks:

  • Perform a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis, listing at least 2 points in each area.
    • Information can be gathered from the Web site or articles about similar organizations from the readings. For example, extended hours of operation could be a strength (internal).
  • Choose 1 strength or opportunity, and create a marketing strategy that would promote a competitive advantage for this organization within the community being targeted.
  • Determine whether your approach will be market penetration, development, diversification, consolidation, or strategic alliances.
  • Are you the market leader, a challenger, a follower, or are you creating a market niche?

NOTE: You need to support your work with at least 4 academic or professional peer-reviewed sources that were published within the past 5 years.


3-5 pages excluding cover, abstract, and reference pages

Executive Management Team

It is time to submit the final plan to the executive management team. It will include the following components, which can be taken from past assignments in this course:
The executive summary
Marketing goals
The situational analysis
The SWOT analysis
Customer profiles by describing the company’s target markets (include the demographic and psychographic profiles for each product line)
The product strategy (incorporate all three new products into the plan, and describe each product line and its features and benefits)
The advertising plan, which will include the following:
The logo/slogan
The company’s 10th anniversary marketing message
One promotional campaign
One evaluation method in the postmarketing phase
The media plan
Your assignment should contain a cover page, an executive summary page, and a reference page in addition to the body paragraphs. The body of the paper should be 8 pages in length, starting with a brief 1-paragraph introduction and ending with a short conclusion. The entire submission will be 10
pages in length.

Factors Affecting Marketing Strategy

Assignment 2: Factors Affecting Marketing Strategy

Due Week 8 and worth 220 points
Go to a local store that sells store brands or off-brand consumer products. Choose any off-brand consumer product that you want to reposition into a national brand. To qualify as a product for this assignment, the consumer product should not be currently represented by an advertising campaign. (A quick Google search, as well as the absence of ads for the product in your daily life, is one (1) way that you can verify a product’s lack of an associated major advertising campaign). For this assignment, you will be creating an advertising campaign to launch this off-brand product to national prominence. Determine whether you wish to mimic an existing advertising campaign or whether you wish to create a completely unique campaign altogether to launch the selected product.
Go to the following pages of the United States’ Census Bureau’s Website and locate information regarding the market segment that the selected product is geared toward:
American Fact Finder:
2014 National Population Projections: Summary Tables:
Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
1. Thoroughly describe in at least one (1) full paragraph:
a) whether the product is a low, medium, or high involvement product.
b) the perceived quality signals for the product (e.g., price, advertising intensity, warranties).
c) whether you are mimicking an existing campaign or building your own and the reason for your choice.
2. Provide statistical data from the U.S. Census on the size of the market segment to which the advertisement will be geared toward. Using the summary tables, determine if this market segment has grown over the past ten (10) years, and project if it will continue to grow within the next ten (10) years. Analyze three (3) factors affecting this market segment, as well as how these factors are changing the segment’s purchasing behavior for this product.
3. Determine which reference groups influence this market segment. Strategize which diffusion rate is most appropriate for this product to move it into national prominence. Determine diffusion determinants and diffusion inhibitors for this product using Table 7-3 in Chapter 7. Recommend a diffusion enhancement strategy that incorporates reference groups for this product.
4. Develop characteristics of the product that you want to promote in your advertising campaign using Table 10-2 in Chapter 10.
5. Determine which dimension best suits the selected product, and build a promotion-focused or prevention-focused campaign.
6. Determine whether the selected product will have a high or low involvement learning need. Develop a strategy for consumers to rediscover the selected product, using Table 9-1 in Chapter 9 as a guide.
7. Map out the impact of lifestyle on consumer behavior, using Figure 12-2 in Chapter 12 to assist you. Determine if there will be an increase or decrease in purchases or consumption. Evaluate how these factors affect consumption.
8. Evaluate your campaign for the selected product and its effect on problem recognition.
9. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
Your Assignment must be saved as:
Save the Assignment as Last Name_First Name_Week8_Assignment2
For Example: Doe_John_Week8_Assignment 2
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
· Formulate marketing strategy and actions that influence the consumer decision process for targeted market segments and foster customer satisfaction.
· Analyze key social and external factors to determine the impact on consumer behavior and the changes needed in marketing strategy.
· Apply the concepts of perception, learning, and memory theories to develop an integrated marketing strategy that influences consumer behavior.
· Apply the concepts of motivation, personality, and emotion to analyze consumer behavior and develop a responsive marketing strategy.
· Integrate consumer psychographics, situational factors, and purchase involvement into the design of marketing strategy.
· Use technology and information resources to research issues in consumer behavior.
· Write clearly and concisely about consumer behavior using proper writing mechanics.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.

International Marketing

CEMEX is a Mexican company that has become a major international competitor in cement while maintaining a higher level of profitability than other, long-established majors. CEMEX’s superior profitability supplies a basis for discussing the sources of superior performance in a global context. In addition, the wide array of benefits that CEMEX derives from its operations in different countries broadens conventional notions of why firms globalize.

After you review the case, prepare a response (4-5 pages) to the following case questions:

1) What benefits have CEMEX and the other global competitors in cement derived from globalization? More broadly, how can cross-border activities add value in an industry as apparently localized as cement?

2) How specifically has CEMEX managed to outperform its leading global competitors in the cement industry? Please focus on comparing it with Holderbank, which is the other large competitor principally focused on cement. What do this comparison and the other data in Exhibits 4-8 suggest about the competitive game being played out among the major international companies?

3) What accounts for the sequence in which CEMEX entered foreign markets? How do the markets it has entered recently compare with the markets that it entered early on?

4) What recommendations would you make to CEMEX regarding its globalization strategy going forward? In particular, what kinds of countries should it focus its future expansion on?

Make Business Company Profile

company profile is a professional introduction of the business and aims to inform the audience about its products and services.

I will give you the company profile.


3-4 pages long.


This simulation is by Havard Business Publishing. I have been trying to pass this simulation for 2 weeks now with no success. You must complete through the year 2020 without being fired. This is a marketing assignment so please do not attempt to shake hands if you do not know marketing. I have been fired from this simulation program more than I can count. It is NOT easy. And you cannot find the answer on Google. Please attach screenshots in a word document. You must include a screen shot of the final run answer and the income statement and sales variance. You have to complete 2012-2020.

Balancing Local Standardized Products Globally

In this assignment, you will analyze the balance of local standardized products globally. In your essay, include the following:

Explain the company’s global strategy.
Discuss how cultural differences are considered and managed.
Suggest a plan or strategy for future global growth.
Be sure to discuss and reference concepts taken from the assigned textbook reading and relevant research. (The CSU-Global Library is a good place to search for research sources.) You must include a minimum of three credible outside references.

Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length, well written, and formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

Organization downside

What are some drawbacks or downsides of organizational or corporate direction/driven marketing strategies?


give response in 50 words