Category: APA (edition “APA 7”)

global marketing

Select a U.S. brand and develop a marketing plan for selling it overseas. Select a country where you want to sell it (this brand should not be sold in this country at this time), and then

1.Analyze the key elements of the countrys culture, economic, and political environment.  2.Select a method of entry in the country and justify your selection.  3.Select and describe the target market.  4.Identify the key competitors and identify strategic elements that increase competitive advantage. 5.Analyze potential ethical issues in the practice of global marketing the US brand may encounter. 6.Identify a desirable brand image (it may differ than the image this brand has in the U.S.).  7.Identify key features/performance/benefits of the brand. Depending on the differences between the country you selected and the U.S., you may need to adjust the product features, benefits, and performance.  8.Select a pricing strategy.  9.Select the appropriate method of distribution.  10.Explain the role of the companys Marketing Information System in the global strategy. 11.Come up with a comprehensive communication and promotion strategy including the various methods (advertising, personal selling, sales promotions, direct marketing, PR, publicity) as well as detailed descriptions of key ads and promotional material. 

720 Faith Integration 2: Analytics in a Corporation



Ahmed: Sections 6.1 -6.2
Bartlett: Chapter 2
Merida: The Wise Fool p.71-88
Merida- Pages 129-163
Read Inside the Coorporation (Attached)
Read- Wise Fool Transcript ( Attached)

Faith Integration Paper 2 : Analytics in a corporation.

Must use at least 4 high quality peer-reviewed sources. The Ahmed (2019), Bartlett (2013), and Merida (2015) course textbooks are required sources. Must have at least 1 biblical integration.


The student should read the weekly assigned chapters in Ahmed, Bartlett and section topics in Merida. Then answer the question being posed as a Christian leader with critical reflection of the topic, supported by in-text citations and examples. This paper is focused on the development of students as Christian leaders in organizations. Another objective of these papers is to provide students with integration of theory and concepts presented in the course in terms of application of faith-based principles.

Faith Integration Paper: Analytics in a Corporation – As a Christian leader why is it imperative to get on-board with analytics in a corporation?

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

780 DB: Call to Lead and Develop other Leaders


Manning & Curtis: Chapters 8-9, 12-13

Read Merida: The Wise Fool 9:10-11:43, The Torn Kingdom 12:1-14:20. A Lamp in Jerusalem 14:21-16:34

Chapter 8: Leadership Authority

Matthews 20:25-28

Evaluating a Competency Approach in Assessing Biblical Leadership Effectiveness (attached)

After completing the reading assignments, post your initial response to the following points:
    Reflect on a time that you observed an example of effective leading and how it affected your own leadership development.
    Identify a biblical example of effective leading and compare it with your takeaway from the reading assignments. Include what lessons can be learned and how you might implement it in your workplace responsibilities. (School Administrator)
    Analyze two scholarly sources and discuss to what extent they align with your response to the discussion question.

Must be supported with a minimum of 2 sources excluding the text.All sources must be properly cited and referenced in APA format within the initial post.  Must include 1 biblical integration.

720 DB WK 2 Inside the Corporation

Ahmed: Sections 6.1 -6.2
Bartlett: Chapter 2
Merida: The Wise Fool p.71-88
Merida- Pages 129-163
Read Inside the Coorporation (Attached)
Read- Wise Fool Transcript ( Attached)

Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
    Identify the reasons advanced data analytics is required in modern businesses.
    Evaluate how leadership within a company uses decision-making analytics.
    Describe how advanced analytics is utilized in a modern company.
    Describe why speed and accuracy of quality communication is important.
    Describe how moral leadership plays a part in business analytics.

After completing the required reading, provide a CRITICAL ANALYSIS discussion using your own professional work experience and learning from the reading. At the post graduate level you are NOT to provide a summary but rather provide a critical thinking assessment of the topic.

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