Category: writing

Documented Essay

As always, this essay must be argumentative, centered around a thesis statement in which you take a side on something.a. Your introduction should familiarize your readers with your topic and clearly end with a strong, argumentative thesis statement something that can be either agreed with or disagreed with by your reader.b. Each of your three body paragraphs should begin with a clear topic sentence that supports the thesis statement and include at least TWO concrete examples that use paraphrase or quotations and are properly cited. Each example must be analyzed and explained in light of the topic sentence and the thesis statement.c. Your conclusion should offer a solution or something further for your readers to ponder.d. Finally, you should have a perfectly formatted works cited page attached to the back of this essay. Please use three-to-four sources. As always, avoid the use of the second-person (you, etc.) and use the first-person (I, we, etc.) only when absolutely necessary (such as when including an anecdote); use a plain font (11-to-12-point-sized); follow MLA manuscript guidelines; and include a word count at the end.


Click the link above to submit your assignment. Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center.Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center. Assignment 1: World View Chart Writing Use this chart right here for the Assignment Assignment I need a cover sheet. I only need two pages My name is Bobby Pearson The professor name is Dr. Travien Capers. The course is Religion 212Due Week 10 and worth 235 points This assignment uses the information you have gathered for your weekly World View Chart Assignments. Choose one (1) category (origin of all things, nature of god, view of human nature, view of good and evil, etc.) from the chart to focus on for this assignment. Consider how the selected aspect relates to each of the religions covered and to your own social or work experiences. Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: Select one (1) category from the completed World View Chart. Provide a rationale for choosing this category. Describe the selected content and explain the significance of the selected category across the religions studied. Provide one (1) specific example of how the selected category is manifested in your social environment. Use at least three (3) quality resources as references for the assignment and document your sources using APA Style for in-text citations and references. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. Write clearly and coherently using correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and mechanics. Your assignment must: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Analyze what is meant by religion. Analyze the similarities and differences in the primary beliefs held by major religious traditions and the cultures in which these religions evolved. Describe the varieties of religious experience and practice in a wide range of cultures. Recognize how daily life within various religions and current affairs are influenced by religion. Develop written pieces that demonstrate an analysis of a topic relevant to the course. Use technology and information resources to research issues in religion. Write clearly and concisely about world religions using proper writing mechanics. Click here to view the grading rubric.Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.Points: 235Assignment 1: World View Chart Writing AssignmentCriteriaUnacceptableBelow 60% FMeets Minimum Expectations60-69% DFair70-79% CProficient80-89% BExemplary90-100% A1. Select one (1) category from the completed World View Chart. Provide a rationale for choosing this aspect or category.Weight: 25%Did not submit or incompletely selected one (1) category from the completed World View Chart and provided a rationale for choosing this category. Covered 0-1 religions.Insufficiently selected one (1) category from the completed World View Chart and provided a rationale for choosing this category. Covered only 2-3 religionsPartially selected one (1) category from the completed World View Chart and provided a rationale for choosing this category. Covered only 4-6 religions.Satisfactorily selected one (1) category from the completed World View Chart and provided a rationale for choosing this category. Covered 7-9 religions.Thoroughly selected one (1) category from the completed World View Chart and provided a rationale for choosing this category. All Covered all 10 religions.2. Describe the selected content and explain the significance of the selected category across the religions studied.Weight: 30%Did not submit or incompletely described the selected content and explained the significance of the selected category across the religions studied.Covered 0 -1 religion.Insufficiently described the selected content and explained the significance of the selected category across the religions studied.Covered 2-3 religions.Partially described the selected content and explained the significance of the selected category across the religions studied.Covered 4-6 religions.Satisfactorily described the selected content and explained the significance of the selected category across the religions studied.Covered 7-9 religions.Thoroughly described the selected content and explained the significance of the selected category across the religions studied.Covered all 10 religions.3. Provide one (1) specific example of how the selected category is manifested in the students social environment.Weight: 15%Did not submit or incompletely provided one (1) specific example of how the selected category was manifested in your social environment.Covered 0-1 religions.Insufficiently provided one (1) specific example of how the selected category was manifested in your social environment.Covered 2-3 religions.Partially provided one (1) specific example of how the selected category was manifested in your social environment.Covered 4-6 religions.Satisfactorily provided one (1) specific example of how the selected category was manifested in your social environment.Covered 7-9 religions.Thoroughly provided one (1) specific example of how the selected category was manifested in your social environment.Covered all 10 religions.4. Use at least three (3) quality resources as references for the assignment and document your sources using APA Style for in-text citations and references.Weight: 10%No references provided; 0 in-text citationsDoes not meet the required number of references; all references poor quality choices. Only 1-2 in-text citations.Does not meet the required number of references; some references poor quality choices. 3-4 in-text citations.Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices. 5-6 in-text citations.Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices. 7 or more in-text citations.5. Write clearly and coherently using correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and mechanics.Weight: 20%More than 8 errors present7-8 errors present

research process

1. The ISP enables you to A. tell if your hard drive is out of space. B. transfer information from one type of program to another. C. search for information on the Internet. D. connect your home computer to the Internet. 2. When the research you include in your presentation applies to and helps develop your purpose, it means that youve made sure its A. sufficient. C. interesting. B. efficient. D. relevant. The Research Process When you feel confident that you have mastered the material in this study unit, go to and submit your answers online. If you dont have access to the Internet, you can phone in or mail in your exam. Submit your answers for this examination as soon as you complete it. Do not wait until another examination is ready. Questions 125: Select the one best answer to each question. EXAMINATION NUMBER: 05001500 Whichever method you use in submitting your exam answers to the school, you must use the number above. For the quickest test results, go to Examination Examination 80 Examination 3. Imagine that in your research youve used an article by Mary Jones titled Tips for Writing Effective Resumes from an online periodical called Business Week Online. Which of the following is the correct form for the Works Cited entry for this source? A. Jones, Mary. Tips for Writing Effective Resumes. Business Week Online. 13 May 2004. 26 June 2004. ca20040513_3069_ca009.htm. B. Jones, Mary. Tips for Writing Effective Resumes. Business Week Online 13 May 2004. 26 June 2004. ca20040513_3069_ca009.htm. C. Mary Jones. Tips for Writing Effective Resumes. Business Week Online. 13 May 2004. 26 June 2004. ca20040513_3069_ca009.htm. D. Jones, Mary. Business Week Online. Tips for Writing Effective Resumes.13 May 2004. ca20040513_3069_ca009.htm. 26 June 2004. 4. To locate a specific site on the World Wide Web, you need to supply A. user information. C. your ISP information. B. a Web address. D. an e-mail address. 5. Periodicals are best used to find out A. the latest information and ideas about a focused topic. B. extensive background information related to a broad topic. C. basic facts about a topic. D. extensive discussions related to theories, opinions, and ideas. 6. Imagine that youre doing a research project on current trends in the computer industry. You want to find some basic facts and history about computers quickly. The best source to use is A. a newspaper article about the new personal computers on the market. B. a book about the history of computers. C. journal article about computer sales. D. an encyclopedia article about computers. 7. You should use ample personal discussion and analysis in your research presentations because A. most experts opinions are biased and outdated. B. quotes, paraphrases, and summaries dont prove or explain themselves. C. your own personal experiences are sufficient. D. it masks the fact that youre uninformed. Examination 81 8. A URL is also known as a/an A. icon. C. Web address. B. hard disk. D. ISP. 9. Which one of the following sentences uses the passive voice? A. The guerrillas strength grew, and the bureaucracy became afraid. B. The jungle is no place for a child. C. A decree was given to the warriors. D. A child emerged from the jungle to lead his people. 10. Imagine that in your research youve used a newspaper article you found online. The author is Peter Smith. The article is titled Unemployment Falls. Which of the following is the correct form for the Works Cited entry for this source? A. Peter Smith. Unemployment Falls. New York Times on the Web. 6 May 2002. 21 January 2004. . B. Peter Smith Unemployment Falls. New York Times on the Web. 6 May 2002. 21 January 2004. C. Smith, Peter. Unemployment Falls. New York Times on the Web. 6 May 2002. 21 January 2004. . D. Smith, Peter. Unemployment Falls. New York Times on the Web. 6 May 2002. . 11. Which designation indicates a commercial Web site? A. .edu C. .org B. .com D. .mil 12. For a paper to achieve coherence, a paragraph A. may explain a point not related to the thesis if the next paragraph returns to the thesis. B. must support the thesis in logical connections one to the next. C. may either support or modify the thesis. D. should begin with a transition like however. 13. Which one of the following phrases is redundant? A. A heavy load C. A load heavy with grapefruit B. A heavy load of grapefruit D. A load heavy in weight 14. A search engine enables you to A. bookmark favorite pages for easy access later. B. connect to a better ISP. C. enter keywords to help you find Web sites. D. determine the settings of the host computer. 82 Examination 15. Which of the following statements employs a stereotype? A. A police officer should never carry an unloaded gun in his or her holster. B. Police officers should never carry unloaded guns in their holsters. C. Policemen should never carry unloaded guns in their holsters. D. A police officer should never carry an unloaded gun in his/her holster. 16. The best way to avoid plagiarism in a research presentation is to A. use only direct quotations and summaries. B. summarize all material thats longer than a page. C. use primarily your own experience, avoiding other sources. D. acknowledge all cited information that isnt common knowledge. 17. What term is used for the words or phrases you enter into a search engine to look for information about a specific topic? A. Keywords C. ISP B. URL D. Domain names 18. The term used for the list of Web sites you get when you do a search is A. search engines. C. domain names. B. URLs. D. hits. 19. Imagine that in your research you find a great many facts about the history of computers. You want to include the general idea in your paper in a much shorter form. You would most likely use a A. paraphrase. C. summary. B. direct quote. D. personal comment. 20. Electronic databases contain listings of A. periodical articles. C. books. B. Internet sources. D. encyclopedias. 21. Imagine that in your research youve used an article titled Computers from The Encyclopedia Britannica. The article has no author. Which of the following is the correct form for the Works Cited entry for this source? A. Encyclopedia Britannica. Computers. 18th ed. 2001. B. Computers. Encyclopedia Britannica. 18th ed. 2001. C. Computers. Encyclopedia Britannica. 18th ed. 2001. D. Computers. Encyclopedia Britannica. 18th ed. 2001. 22. When you do research, you must document which of the following? A. Only passages of text that you quote directly B. Only the facts that you take from a source C. Only facts and direct quotes D. All ideas that you take from a source Examination 83 23. Which of the following passages correctly punctuates a sentence using an MLA-style parenthetical citation? A. According to one source, many adults find distance learning the best option for midlife career training. (Smith 3) B. According to one source, many adults find distance learning the best option for midlife career training (Smith 3). C. According to one source, many adults find distance learning the best option for midlife career training (Smith 3). D. According to one source, many adults find distance learning the best option for midlife career training. (Smith 3) 24. Which of the following passages correctly shows MLA style usage of a summary with a direct quote? A. According to Richard Bayer, chief operating officer for a New Yorkbased job placement company, the Internet is a great tool for job searches. The company advises checking the Internet daily for job postings, but you should also use the Internet to find out more about companies that you might like to work for. According to Bayer, Applying for a job online can make the hunting process seem easybut thats no excuse for being lazy. You still need to do your homework on companies you want to work for (Brown 2). B. According to Richard Bayer, chief operating officer for a New Yorkbased job placement company, the Internet is a great tool for job searches. His company advises checking the Internet daily for job postings, but you should also use the Internet to find out more about companies that you might like to work for. According to Bayer, Applying for a job online can make the hunting process seem easybut thats no excuse for being lazy. You still need to do your homework on companies you want to work for. (Brown 2) C. According to Richard Bayer, chief operating officer for a New Yorkbased job placement company, the Internet is a great tool for job searches. The company advises checking the Internet daily for job postings, but you should also use the Internet to find out more about companies that you might like to work for. According to Bayer, Applying for a job online can make the hunting process seem easybut thats no excuse for being lazy. You still need to do your homework on companies you want to work for. (Brown 2). D. According to Richard Bayer, chief operating officer for a New Yorkbased job placement company, the Internet is a great tool for job searches. The company advises checking the Internet daily for job postings, but you should also use the Internet to find out more about companies that you might like to work for. According to Bayer, Applying for a job online can make the hunting process seem easybut thats no excuse for being lazy. You still need to do your homework on companies you want to work for (Brown 2) 25. Writing personal comments as you take notes during the research process is important because this activity A. helps you interact with the information to form your own opinions. B. organizes your ideas for when you present your research. C. provides summaries and paraphrases of the source information in your own words. D. shows how much you already know so you dont need to ask further questions.

Capstone Proposal

I HAVE ATTACHED THE PREVIOUS ASSIGNMENT FOR REFERENCE FOR THE ASSIGNMENT. BELOW IS THE TEACHERS COMMENTS TO THAT ASSIGNMENT AND WHAT IS EXPECTED FOR THIS ONE.Raytheon is a great company to use for your final capstone project. However, in your next submission, I’ll need to see exactly what problem or shortcoming they have that you’ll be researching. Your final project must demonstrate all 7 of the MBA Program Outcomes and include strategic recommendations with actionable steps. Thank you.Dr. BrewerAfter approval of your prospectus, the next step is to develop a more detailed capstone proposal. Below is an outline that you may adapt to prepare your proposal. It shows the required sections for your project.I. Introduction In this section, identify the organization and whether you have access to it directly. Describe the exact nature of the project you propose to do and why you want to do this particular project. This should go beyond the brief information that you provided in your prospectus and provide the following:Target organization.Nature of the project.Rationale for the project.II. Outcome Demonstration Describe how this project will allow you to demonstrate each MBA program outcome. The four section titles below refer to the outcomes that are listed in the Capstone Prospectus Template. This section should incorporate any feedback that you received on outcome demonstration in your prospectus.Competency 1: Apply foundational knowledge and an understanding of business systems, processes, and technology within and across core disciplines.Competency 2: Integrate information across disciplines and from differing perspectives.Competency 5: Lead and collaborate in virtual, global, and culturally diverse environments.Competency 6: Integrate principles of ethics and integrity into business decisions.III. Data Sources Identify where you will get the data needed to complete the project, whether via direct access to the organization or via published sources. Be as detailed as possible, since whether you have access to enough data to make the project feasible will be evaluated. At this stage, identify at least three specific resources and provide a written strategy for finding other sources.IV. Outline Provide a brief, working outline of your actual project. This outline can change and grow as you work, but you need an outline to properly begin. Your outline should include an introduction and conclusion, as well as at least four subheadings in between. Refer to the Outlines document linked in the Resources to review basic outline structure.V. Projected Timeline Provide a timeline for the project, to be completed no later than the end of MBA-FP6900. Tasks should include any preliminary activity needed for getting permissions (if needed), data gathering, data analysis, report writing, presentation preparation, and anything else that would form a significant part of the work needed to complete the project.Note that successful completion of an acceptable proposal will facilitate the completion of your capstone course and help you make timely progress toward your degree completion. Refer to the Assessment 1 and 2 Context, as well as the Course Summary, for detailed information about the capstone project as a whole.Additional RequirementsWritten communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.Number of resources: Minimum of 3 resources.Length of paper: 23 typed, double-spaced pages.Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Hi the first file show some instruction my topic is the first one which is Electricity+Water…

Hi, the first file show some instruction, my topic is the first one which is Electricity+Water Issues in developing countries, the second file is the solution of this, I got it from this website but I need modification on it, the sources are in the second file, but the problem with the written essay is that the problem is almost 90% of the essay while the solution is only 10%, I want the problem to be maximum 40% and the rest is the solution. Additionally, there should be a minimum of two quotes, they shouldn’t contain statistical information. Moreover, I need the following:1) Notes of 2 or more sources (Min. of 1 A4 page with combined of 2 sources)2) Copies of complete paragraphs from original sources in which information was used as quotes (x2) in your paper.- Highlight exact section of text used as quote draw border around paragraph.3) Copies of 2 paragraphs from sources which were paraphrased/summarized in Academic Paper #2 [Samples to highlight paraphrasing]- Cut+Paste each paragraph from different original sources onto 1 A4 page (reducefont if necessary), then collate with paraphrased/summarized sections used inPaper:(Original text / Paraphrase / Original text / Paraphrase) Title/Author top of eachThese are to show my work to the instructor.Finally, the deadline is Tuesday, 7th of December, 8:00 AM GMT

Your instructor will assign and send you a peer s paper from the Health Care Provider and…

Your instructor will assign and send you a peer’s paper from the Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity: First Draft assignment. Your job is to critically read the assignment and make corrections/comments using Track Changes in Microsoft Word. Assess the paper on the following content: Does the paper provide sufficient evidence for its hypothesis or claim?Does the flow of the paper and sentence structure make sense?Should it be organized in a different way? Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. Once the document is open, you will see at the top of the page an option to “Review” the document. It is right next to the tab or option that says “view”. Click on the “Review” option. Once it opens it will provde a row of other options. One reads, “Track Changes”. There are several others to the left of Track Changes such as New Comment, Delete, Previous and Next. As you read the document, if you want to make a comment on the paper about something the writer has written, such as a misspelled word, then go to the word in the text, place the cursor to the left of the word andd left click. Then go to the top of the page and click “Track Changes” and then click “New Comment”. A red line will go across the page to the right side of the page. You can insert a comment in the dark red box. I am sure all of you have seen some of those red boxes in this course. (that’s not supposed to be funny but if you want to smile at the comment that would be fine). If you want to make a comment about a phrase or a sentence, then highlight the entire area you are considering and left click and the entire area should go blue. Go to the top of the page and click, “new comment” and the highlighted portion will turn red with that red line shooting across the page, providing you a comment box to make a comment. If you accideentally end up with more than one red box, which is easy to do, then go to the top of the page and click “Delete” The extra box will disappear. If yoiu want to delete the comment after you have written it, then click inside the red box on the right so it will be dark red. Go up to the top of the page and hit delete next to Track Changes and the line and box should disappear. I hope this helps. By the way, once you hit “Track Changes” it will stay operational until you click on it to disable it. If you dont, then anything you type in the paper while it is operational w

assign 7

Argumentative EssayThis writing assignment involves writing your Argumentative essay. Once you draft your essay andrevise, you may submit it for feedback. The feedback will help you revise the draft so you can submit itas a final. The final version will be graded.Option #1: Your Position on Pirated MoviesDevelop a thesis statementon the topic of pirated movies (piracy hurts the economy by, society canprevent movie piracy by, etc.) and write an argumentative essay. Strive for at least three strongargumentsin addition to a counterargument and refutation(see counterargument and refutationdetails in the Top Ten Tips section). Using argumentative topic sentencesthat include your opinion foreach section can help ensure the majority of your essay is argumentative. Beginning of a sample topicsentence: The first way movie piracy hurts the economy is. Then be sure to support that claim withresearched data. Conclude each paragraphwith a sentence that summarizes the paragraphs mainideas.Sample Thesis Statement:Ideally, a thesis would include the major assignment objectives for the essay, which in this case wouldbe your claim/opinion, reasons why you have that opinion, and the counter-argument: Movie piracy isunethical because (add argument 1), (add argument 2), and (add argument 3), even though (addcounterargument focus).Note that a thorough thesis statement will include the counterargumentin addition to your ownarguments.See Top Ten Tips section for more thesis statement assistance.Use at least three credible sources(the author should be considered an expert on the topic in which heor she writes; try Google Scholar to search), such as books, articles, and websites, to support your thesis.Include a mix of cited paraphrases, summaries, and quotesin your argumentative research paper. UseMLA format to create proper parenthetical citationsas well as a Works Citedpage at the end of youressay. For additional Works Cited assistance visit use the left navigation menu to locate the typeof reference you need.Option #2: Your Position on Electronic PolicingDevelop a thesis statementon the topic of electronic policing and anti-plagiarism software and write anargumentative essay. Your chosen topic needs to be specific and might address a question like the onesyou see in these examples: Should student writers be subject to having their work checked by anti-plagiarism software?Why or why not? Is anti-plagiarism software an effective deterrent to stealing published work? Why or why not? You may choose another topic regarding electronic policing as well; just be sure that your mainthesis addresses the topic of electronic policing.If the assignment does not address one of the givenoptions, it will not be graded.Strive for at least three strong argumentsin addition to a counterargument and refutation(seecounterargument and refutation details in the Tips section). Using argumentative topic sentencesthat include your opinion for each section can helpensure the majority of your essay isargumentative. For example, First, students shouldbe subject to having their work checked by antiplagiarism software because. Then be sure to support that claim with researched data. Concludeeach paragraphwith a sentence that summarizes the paragraphs main ideas.Sample Thesis Statement:Ideally, a thesis would include the major assignment objectives for the essay, which in this case wouldbe your claim/opinion, reasons why you have that opinion, and the counter-argument: Students workshould be checked by anti-plagiarism software because (add argument 1), (add argument 2), and (addargument 3), even though (add counterargument focus). See Tips section for more thesis statementassistance.Use at least three credible sources(the author should be considered an expert on the topic in which heor she writes; try Google Scholar to search), such as books, articles, and websites, to support your thesis.Include a mix of cited paraphrases, summaries, and quotesin your argumentative research paper. Usethe MLA format to create proper parenthetical citations as well as a Works Citedpage at the end of youressay. For additional Works Cited assistance visit use the left navigation menu to locate the typeof reference you need.More TipsVisit more argumentative thesis statementassistanceand to learn if your thesis is both arguable and narrowed.A counter-argument sectionfor this paper should explain what the opposition believes, and it is theopposite of the opinion you are arguing in your paper. For example, if you are arguing that antiplagiarism software should notbe used in college classes, then the counterargument would be that antiplagiarism software shouldbe used. Then in your refutation, try to prove the counterargument false,insignificant, or unimportant with researched information that is new to the essay (avoid recycling factsfrom a previous argument in the essay).The guidelines for this assignment are as follows:Length: This assignment should be at least 750 wordsHeader: Include a header in the upper left-hand corner ofyour writing assignment with the followinginformation: Your first and last name Course Title (Composition I) Assignment name (Argumentative Essay) Current DateFormat: Three sources, documented using MLA style Double-spaced throughout Title, centered after the heading Standard 12-point font 1 margins on all sides Save the file using one of the following extensions: .docx, .doc, .rtf, or .txtUnderline your thesis statement in the introductoryparagraph.

Lit Review

Successful completion of a doctoral dissertation requires significant amounts of independent reading on the research topic. This allows the doctoral learner/researcher to become familiar with the scope of the topic and to identify gaps or tensions within the existing literature on the topic. These gaps and tensions become the source of the dissertation research. In this assignment, you will read and annotate potential sources in your dissertation field of interest. Those demonstrating the most merit to the best of your understanding of the topic at this time should be added to your RefWorks list for potential inclusion in the literature review section of your dissertation.General Requirements:Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:It is recommended that you engage in this activity throughout the duration of this course.Instructors will be scoring your submission based on the number of unique sources identified in the list submitted.Download the resource Literature Review Resources Tool and use it to complete the assignment.Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.Refer to the resource, “Preparing Annotated Bibliographies,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.Directions:Read at least 10 empirical articles in your general dissertation field.In the “Literature Review Resources” document, provide the following for each source:The APA formatted citation.A brief annotation of the key points of the source.An indication of whether the source has been added to (Y) or excluded from (N) your RefWorks list.

Research Paper

I need a Research Project Include all of the following elements in my proposal. Due Wednesday, 4/8. Title:Tentative project title. Abstract:[100-200 words] Summarize what your research project will entail. Describe the topic, what you specifically intend to research about it, and what you hope to find. Research Question:What is the main question you will answer in your project? Significance: [1 paragraph] Describe why your research question is significant. Why should the reader care? What does this tell us about anything that matters? Research Plan:[1-2 paragraphs] Describe how you plan to answer your research question and what the final project will consist of. How will you conduct the research? Where will you look for sources? Outline:Provide a possible outline that shows what your final paper might look like. You in no way have to stick to this, but it provides a potential framework for you to follow. Sources:List at least 4 sources you will use in your project, formatted in bibliographic entries. After each entry, explain why the source is useful to your topic. As you see the details below I have my proposal approval already and the TOPIC will be Security Challenges of Cloud Computing and now I need to do a Rough Draft at least 6 pages( By Wednesday April 8, 2015) and then I have to finish a research paper with 12 pages by April 30, 2105. Title Security Challenges of Cloud Computing Abstract Cloud computing is the buzzword today. From individuals to small and medium scale enterprises to even large corporations are beginning to realize the potential of cloud computing. This is because, cloud computing allows for cost-effective computing, makes it possible to skip major IT infrastructure investments and is also a modern way of computing. However, theres also another side to cloud computing apart from all the potential benefits it offers. As the shape of cloud computing is evolving both conceptually and practically, challenges related to contractual arrangements of cloud computing, its service quality, interoperability, security and privacy issues are beginning to crop up. Among all, the issues related to security and privacy are the most significant of all. This is because when an organization makes use of cloud computing services they entrust their sensitive data and critical operations to a third party provider. A security incident can disrupt their business services and data causing significant damages to the organization. These service providers tend to have servers which are both geographically dispersed and in remote locations. As a result of this arrangement, there are various factors which could compromise both the data and cripple the organization of their operations if security is not consistent and robust. These security issues are still often overlooked because the benefits are seemingly far too lucrative. This paper will provide a detailed analysis of cloud computing issues related to security and privacy. Research Question In this research paper, I will try to answer whether or not the modern cloud computing still has the security challenges which are relevant today and if it does then its significance on an organization along with a detailed analysis. Significance IT services are increasingly becoming cloud oriented. A few years ago, rarely people made use of file storage services such as Dropbox and One Drive or made use of many different web based applications, but today they are integrated among lives of individuals as well as day to day operations of organizations. As a result of this trend, many different cloud computing service providers are coming up. Some of them are backed by large and well established corporations but a vast majority is still dominated by newcomers. Its important for people to be aware of the security challenges both inherited in cloud computing as well as those which are augmented by service providers who fail to integrate robust security into their cloud computing platform. Research plan I will be looking into recent major security incidents of the cloud computing industry and present an analysis of it to make the readers of my paper aware of its significance. Along with this, I will also look into the research papers that specifically talk about security challenges of cloud computing and use that to present my own analysis of the issues in cloud computing. Outline Abstract – The abstract of the research paper. Introduction – This will introduce the topic to the readers. Cloud Computing Infrastructure – In this, I will talk about what makes the cloud computing a cloud computing. I will talk about the architecture, the different types of cloud available, service models among other things. Security Challenges – This will be the main part of the research paper, where the major question is anwered. In this, I will present my findings on the security challenges associated with cloud computing. It will include inherent or traditional issues, risks, threats, types of attackers etc This will be the bulk of the paper. Conclusion – I will present my conclusion to the research here. Sources – It will be useful in explaining the architecture of cloud computing – Its an indepdent news and analysis source that lists all major cloud computing incidents throughout the world. – Lists down various security issues in cloud computing – Presents a statistical analysis of cloud computing issues as well as the most prone providers. ATTENTION HERE BEFORE STARTS THE RESEARCH PAPER. The Research paper will need to follow some requirements as described below: THESIS Strong, specific, provable. EVIDENCE All arguments supported with relevant and specific examples, quotes fully explained. ANALYSIS Insightful points, no questions left hanging (thorough analysis), good balance of analysis to description. STRUCTURE Clearly organized, easy to follow arguments and analysis, strong introduction and conclusion. REQUIREMENTS Fulfills paper prompt, proper length, citations, and formatting. Also additional Sources will be sent to you so can have more Information about this Topic. The Files are attached below with additional sources to finish this paper.

Essay outline

Make an outline for the attached essayExample Essay OutlineTITLEMIGHT, RIGHT, AND BLOOD IN MACBETHIntroductionThesis: The image of blood changes meaning in the play. It contrasts those who have right on their side with those who exercise might [ruthless power]. [Note that the outline begins with the thesis.]I. It is praiseworthy to shed blood for a rightful cause. [The student argues for violence, given just cause]Wounds become a defender of the rightful king. (might for right)I.ii., discussion of honour. [notice the specific references to scenes in the play]Macbeth promoted, honoured for defending king.II. It is possible to exercise power or might against rightful authority [the plot to kill Duncan]A. Killing the king.1. Bloody business (II.I.48).2. More than bloody deed. (II.IV.21). [here exercising might or power is discussed]B. Fulfillment of prophecy: Macbeth shall be king.1. He is king by misusing might and shedding blood.III. Shedding blood upsets the rightful blood line for the monarchy. [a crucial point: who should be king?]A. Donalbains fountain of blood/Is stopped, its very source is stopped. (II.iii.93-4).B. Donalbain becomes Macbeths bloody cousin (III.i.29).1. relation of the king.2. in line to be murdered: The nearer in blood/The nearer bloody (II.iii.136-7).C. Macbeths blood line will not produce a king by either might or right.1. Witches prophecy.2. Macbeths dream of Banquo (IV.i.123-124).D. Additional blood (Banquos) does not make might right.IV. The result of shedding blood wrongly is bloody guilt and more bloodshed.A. Smear Duncans grooms with bloodfalse guilt.B. Blood on the face of Banquos murdererguilt.C. Bloody hand of night cannot hide guilt (III.ii.48).D. Lady Macbeths sleepwalking.1. Wash blood (guilt) from hand (II.ii.59-60).E. Kill the kingbloody instructions. Kill Banquo (Banquo in bloody distance to Macbeth) (III.i.116).1. guiltBanquo heard prophecy; he suspects Macbeths guilt.2. Banquo is in line to be killed.3. lineageBanquos sons will be kings. Battle resultmore bloodshed.V. The blood cycles continue and blood-right prevails.A. Macbeths sons never wear the crown.B. Blood will have blood. (III.iv.122).1. Might will have guilt.2. Right will have might.3. Guilt will have might.C. Duncan, the rightful king, ultimately has might and right.1. Who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?(V.i.35-37).a. After right is killed by might, guilt lives.b. Right prevails. Duncan hasright even when dead.D. The initial paradox of fair is foul and foul is fair is ultimately expanded to right is might and might is right.ConclusionThesis restated: Blood imagery is a touchstone for the merits of the actions in Macbeth. In theirproceedings, characters are exercising either might [wrongly] or right [rightly].Final note: the Roman numerals (1 V) indicate the likely paragraphs that the student will eventually write. The letters and numbers that follow illustrate the ideas and proofs that the student will bring into play in supporting his or her arguments.

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