Category: writing

Compare and Contrast USA Patriot Act with two other acts and describe impact on war on terror

written assignment requires that you write an essay that demonstrates your
knowledge of course material. Your essay should be typed and double-spaced.
may use research sources in addition to your required course materials listed
in the Syllabus. These may be print or online sources. When you are
paraphrasing or quoting from any source, remember to cite the source, using
footnotes or endnotes and a bibliography. When listing sources, you should use
the APA style. In your response, demonstrate your ability to analyze, assess,
and integrate concepts and situations.
over your essay answer carefully before you send it. Be sure that your answer
is well developed and that it conveys your understanding of the topic. Also be
sure that you have answered completely all parts of the question. Check your
final draft for accurate spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

Describe and explain the aspects of
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) of 1978, the Antiterrorism
and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, and the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001.
Offer points of contrast and comparison between them in your essay. Then
explain and assess their anticipated effect on the war on terrorism.
The Paper should be 500-600 wordsI’ve attached resources you should cite from but you may cite from online sources as well.


Consider the population in which the solution is intended, the staff that will participate, and the key contributors that must provide approval and/or support for your project to be implemented. These stakeholders are considered your audience.Develop an implementation plan (1,500-2,000 words). The elements that should be included in your plan are listed below:1. Method of obtaining necessary approval(s) and securing support from your organization’s leadership and fellow staff.2. Description of current problem, issue, or deficit requiring a change. Hint: If you are proposing a change in current policy, process, or procedure(s) when delivering patient care, describe first the current policy, process, or procedure as a baseline for comparison.3. Detailed explanation of proposed solution (new policy, process, procedure, or education to address the problem/deficit).4. Rationale for selecting proposed solution.5. Evidence from your review of literature in Module 2 to support your proposed solution and reason for change.6. Description of implementation logistics (When and how will the change be integrated into the current organizational structure, culture, and workflow? Who will be responsible for initiating the change, educating staff, and overseeing the implementation process?)7. Resources required for implementation: Staff; Educational Materials (pamphlets, handouts, posters, and PowerPoint presentations); Assessment Tools (questionnaires, surveys, pre- and post-tests to assess knowledge of participants at baseline and after intervention); Technology (technology or software needs); Funds (cost of educating staff, printing or producing educational materials, gathering and analyzing data before, during, and following implementation), and staff to initiate, oversee, and evaluate change.Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Implementing a plan

Using 500-1,000 words, discuss methods to evaluate the effectiveness of your proposed solution and variables to be assessed when evaluating project outcomes.Example: If you are proposing a new staffing matrix that is intended to reduce nurse turnover, improve nursing staff satisfaction, and positively impact overall delivery of care, you may decide the following methods and variables are necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of your proposed solution:Methods:1. Survey of staff attitudes and contributors to job satisfaction and dissatisfaction before and after initiating change.2. Obtain turnover rates before and after initiating change.3. Compare patient discharge surveys before change and after initiation of change.Variables:1. Staff attitudes and perceptions.2. Patient attitudes and perceptions.3. Rate of nursing staff turnover.Develop the tools necessary to educate project participants and to evaluate project outcomes (surveys, questionnaires, teaching materials, PowerPoint slides, etc.).Refer to the “Module 4: Checklist.”Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.6 NRS 441v.11R.Module 4_Checklist.docx

speech writing

As the country focuses on the restructure of the U.S. health care
delivery system, nurses will continue to play an important role. It is
expected that more and more nursing jobs will become available out in
the community, and less will be available in acute care hospitals.
Write a speech of 500-700 words to educate nurses about how the
practice of nursing is expected to grow and shift. Include the concepts
of continuity or continuum of care, accountable care organizations
(ACO), medical homes, and nurse-managed health clinics.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment,
solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references
should be presented using APA documentation guidelines. These can be
found in the APA Style Guide, which is located in the Student Success
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the
rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the
rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the
assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the

English research paper

Compose an argumentative essay that makes a policy claim regarding a current issue. In makingyour argument, incorporate at least four secondary sources into your paper in appropriate MLAStyle. These sources must be accessed using the school library. Include a Works Cited page thatlist the secondary sources you include in your paper.
Follow these instructions carefully:
-Your paper should make a specific policy claim. This means that you must argue for or againsta current policy or law. If no policy or law is currently in place regarding the issue you wish toargue, you might argue for one to be passed, or you might argue that such a policy or law should never be considered.
-Include an introductory paragraph that identifies the topic you will be discussing and that outlines the thesis of your paper.
-The body paragraphs of your paper should argue your point. Remember to carefully chooseyour supporting arguments, refer to your secondary sources, discuss the most obviouscounterarguments, and so on. Essentially, this paper will test your knowledge of all of theargumentative writing strategies we have covered in this course.
-Avoid self-referential pronouns such as I, me, my, our, we, etc. If you are going to argue apoint, simply make it without using phrases like “I think” and “In my opinion.” Make sure you use signal phrases such as “West states” or “West notes” so that it is clear when you are presenting ideas from the author of the article you are focusing on. Always make sure it is clearwhose ideas are being presented: your own, or those ideas taken from the sources you are using.
-Review the chapters we have covered in the textbook thus far to make sure you fully understand important concepts relating to matters such as claim, support, warrant, summary, paraphrase, andquote.
-The paper should be at least1000 words (roughly four double-spaced pages) and should beformatted in MLA style. Review A Pocket Style Manualand the Purdue OWL for detailsregarding MLA style.
-You are expected to include several quotes from the secondary sources you have chosen. Thesereferences, including the Works Cited page, should be in MLA style documentation.
-Upon completion of the paper, upload the paper using the appropriate link in our coursehomepage. Save the paper by going to “FileSave as” and using the following filename format: Your last name-ENG 101-Essay 3.

Eng:122 week 1

Part1:Think about your own natural communication style and your typical behavior in an argument. Are you typically calm and logical when making an argument? Do you tend to appeal to emotion? Do you often get frustrated when trying to prove your point? Think critically about your personal communication style and its effectiveness in an academic setting. Write (due Thursday, Day 3) In 200 to 300 words, describe argument in your own words. Include the roles of the four basic elements of an argument in your description. Give an example of an argument you have experienced and identify the claims, evidence, counterargument, and rebuttal used. If you cannot think of an example from your own life, you may analyze the persuasive student paper,Flag Burning, from the Ashford Writing Center instead. You must identify claims, evidence, counterarguments, and rebuttals present in the student paper.Be sure to include any questions or confusion you have regarding rhetoric, argument, and the Classic/Rogerian styles.Part 2:Choose a topic that is interesting, has a clear argument, and allows you to remain objective. We will be using research and logic to support our arguments in this class. It may be difficult to remain objective if you feel emotionally or spiritually connected to the subject. Write (due Thursday, Day 3) In 200 to 300 words, share your chosen research topic for this class and write a few sentences on each of the following: Share the kind of argument you hope to make and why. Identify five to ten keywords for your library research and explain your choices.Write a single-sentence thesis statement for your research paper and compare it to the Thesis Checklist.Include any areas of confusion or questions you have for the class and/or your instructor.
Solution Preview:

In almost every sphere of life we are sometime faced with a situation involving an argument. In this regard I must convey that if often becomes difficult for me to remain thoroughly calm during the phases of fiery debates but usually I am a person who tries to keep a cool head and calmness in course of an argument.But I am very much watchful about the proper implementation of the four basic elements of an argument while getting involved in one either verbally or in a written form.

Write a 1 400- to 1 750-word paper comparing and contrasting data-collection methods used in…

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper comparing and contrasting data-collection methods used in ethnographic studies, phenomenological studies, and narrative histories. Address the following: What types of problems would lend themselves to these kinds of studies?What are the issues that researchers face when collecting data using these designs?
Data Collection Paper RES/341 The researchers concluded in their investigation that there is a pattern of events during the course of real estate investments during certain years demographically within the United States. Investors who made investment in California, Illinois, and Ohio, between the years 1975 and 2008 paid a higher market value on homes; some market values fluctuated from 0.09% up to 0.128% during those years. The researcher also concluded that there was an inconsistence in the data of market prices during those years taking the average prices form price the data sets will reflect the inconsistences in the frequencies in that data set from the year periods from 1975 to 2005at starting at $141.316.67, $125.000.00, $125.900.00, 139.900.00, 147.400.00, 154.300.00 ending at 155.400.00 for a 3 to 6 bedroom homes only the average of home sold in that year was 6 for the markets price of $141.316.67 From the years 2005 through 2008 the market values fluctuated from the average number of prices $188.020.00, 164.100.00, 166.200.00, 166.500.00, 171.600.00, 172.400.00, 172.700.00, 173.100.00, 173.600.00, 173.600.00, 175.000.00, 175.600.00, 175.600.00, 176.300.00,177.100.00,179.000.00,179.000.00,180.400.00,182.400.00,182.400.00,182.700.00,186.700.00,188.300.00,188.300.00,188.300.00,,189.400.00,190.100.00,192.200.00,192.600.00,192.600.00,192.9000.00,194.400.00,198.300,198.900.00m198.900.00,199.000.00,199.800

discussion question

Please include references
in your response.
the principle of autonomy guarantee a person the right to do something that is
harmful to oneself? To others? Explain your response with ethical rationale.

2.What is
the difference between beneficence and nonmaleficence? Give examples of each
from your clinical practice.
Ethics Case Study: To Rescue Others
at What Risk?
Directions: Read the following case study and answer the questions.
ACME Medical Center has been
damaged seriously by a recent hurricane. A helicopter that is trying to rescue
people stranded by the hurricane has crashed, hitting the wing of the building
where the pediatric unit was located. In the midst of the explosion, fire, and
confusion, five people make their way to the roof and wait for rescue. They are
Mary, a mother who is carrying her ill infant who was a patient on the unit;
Joseph, her husband and the baby’s father; John, a pediatric resident who had
been caring for the baby; Margaret, the RN, who was on duty in the pediatric unit;
and Peter, a transport employee who was helping to prepare patients for rescue
and evacuation.
Mary says to the group, “I
think I hear someone crying. Yes, I can hear cries for help. We’ve got to go
back down the stairs and help those people!” Dr. John says, “You
women stay here. Joseph and I will go back down and see what we can do.”
Joseph looks first at his own ill infant and then down the smoke-filled stairs
and replies, “I’m not going back down. It’s too risky. The smoke is too
thick. We’d never make it through and survive.” Margaret the RN says,
“We’ve got to do something; we can’t just let people die. I’d never be
able to live with myself. Those are my patients and I need to help them.”
Margaret runs down the stairs and disappears. Peter says, “You’re all
crazy! In a situation like this it’s every man for himself!”
A. Refer to “Ethics Case Study: To Rescue Others at What
Risk?” and answer the following questions:
1. What is the ethical dilemma?
2. What is your value and ethical position related to the case?
Include discussion of theory and principles on which your position is based.
3. What are some other alternatives for resolving the problem?
B. Refer to “Ethics
Case Study: To Rescue Others at What Risk?” and answer the following
1. What are the possible
consequences for those acceptable alternatives?
2. How would you
prioritize the acceptable alternatives?
3. What is your plan of
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Managing energy sources

Identify two geographical regions in the world where energy demand is growing. Analyse how the different energy sources supply this demand. Evaluate which region will be able to adequately supply their demand internally versus importing energy sources.
Introduction Over the last few years, the demand for energy has significantly enhanced all across the world (Energy Report, 2011). Further, energy management even needs to be a lot more sustainable as well as less dependent on continuously scarce fossil fuels (Energy Report, 2011). Today, energy is recognized as an important and essential component of the global economy (Energy Report, 2011). Users and customers need to be supported with a constant supply of energy and that too at extremely competitive rates. With this in consideration, this brief paper attempts to consider the case of Asia and Europe in terms of their growing energy demands. The paper also analyses the way the different energy sources supply the demands in these regions. Further, a comparative evaluation is made to determine the region that will be adequately able to supply their demand internally versus importing energy sources. The Case of Asia To start with the Asia here includes East Asia, South and Central Asia and lastly, Southeast Asia and Pacific. Asia is one of those regions that has seen rapid and strong and economic growth, especially in China and India. This is due to increasing population, rising uncertainty and political instability (WEC, 2013). As per WEC, the overall economy of the Asian nations is further going to enhance with enhanced demand and supply of energy atleast till 2050 (WEC, 2013)

Write an essay on a Muckraker/ Choices are below

Muckrakers Under the Microscope Muckrakers were investigative journalists who exposed corruption in business or government, or examined serious societal issues. Several of the most well-known muckrakers worked for McClures Magazine, where they wrote exposs on large companies, meat slaughtering houses, and city governments. These prominent and influential reporters included Ida M. Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens, Upton Sinclair, and Ray Stannard Baker. Now suppose that you, too, are an investigative journalist. Instead of choosing a business or government, you have been asked to write a piece on one of the muckrakers. Which muckraker will you investigate? And how much information will you be able to provide? (100 points) Score 1. Write a well-constructed article on one muckraker using the outline you created during your website research. Keep the following points in mind as you write your essay: Include important biographical information about the individuals life. Give specific examples of articles and books that were written. What businesses or government offices were targeted in theexposs? What reforms or changes took place as a result of the individuals writings?
INTRODUCTION :The term muckraker refers to those set of journalists who were reform minded and wrote for all popular magazinesand their writing were based on investigative journalism,which means that they carried our investigations and exposed the work of organisations,who were practising social ills and political corruption. The magazine was popularly known as MCCLURE’S and its publisher was SSMCCLURE and hence,they are named after the name of publisher… They normally took on corporate monopolies and crooked political machines and even lead to the raising of public awareness,brought out the unsafe working conditions and even addressed social issues like CHILD LABOUR. ORIGIN :The MUCKRAKERS are mostly associated with progressive era of American history.The movement of journalist emerged in the U.S after1900 and continued to influence people till world war1. The movement had a very disappointed Ending because of combination of boycotts,dirty tricks and patriotism. The journalism profession under muckrakers was also referred to as WATCHDOG JOURNALISM. The president of U.S. THEODORE ROOSEVELT once addressed to the character of MUCKRAKERS and said “THE MEN WITH THE MUCK RAKES ARE OFTEN INDISPENSABLE TO THE WELL BEING OF SOCIETY,BUT ONLY IF THEY KNOW WHEN TO STOP RAKING THE MUCK,,,,,” SOME WORK THAT PREDATE THE MUCKRAKERS 1.HELEN HUNT JACKSON(1831-1885) – A CENTURY OF DISHONOUR, and he exposed the U.S policy regarding native americans. 2

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