ethical dilemmas in mental health COUNSELING

Ethical dilemmas in mental health COUNSELING

Students will research a topic concerning an ethical issue in counseling of their choosing, and write a paper to discuss their findings. The paper will include a case study illustrating the ethical dilemma, and the case study will be used to frame the specific ethical issue. The paper is should be 12-15 pages in length, a cover page and reference page are required, along with a Header at the top of each page. Footers are not required. A minimum of 10 references is required. You are required to use an ethical decision making model. There are models in your book (Ch.1), on the ACA website, and in your resources on D2L. You may also choose any other appropriate and credible decision making model you find in the counseling literature. All papers for this class are to completed in the APA style, and points will be taken off for errors in formatting. Please use appropriate APA headings

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