Social Science 111
Post your answer to the following:
- After learning about the character in the Parker Family case study, imagine that you were the school social worker. Which indicators would you have looked for and why.
- How would you have responded to each of those indicators?
- What kinds of questions would you have asked and why?
400 words
Singer, J. B., & Slovak, K. (2011). School social workers’ experiences with youth suicidal behavior: An exploratory study. Children & Schools, 33(4), 215–228.
Russell, S. T., & Joyner, K. (2001). Adolescent sexual orientation and suicide risk: Evidence from a natural study. American Journal of Public Health,91(8), 1276–1281
Miers, D, Abbott, D., & Springer, P. R. (2012). A phenomenological study of family needs following the suicide of a teenager. Death Studies, 36(2), 118–133.