Theoretical Orientation Paper

Theoretical Orientation Paper

Paper Narrative: 
Provide a narrative that addresses your theoretical orientation as described by the graphic provided.
First, discuss the perspectives that were important to you prior to starting this course. (return to your Self-awareness and Professionalism Assessment-Part One where you discussed your initial knowledge of theories and perspective).
Second, discuss your current understanding of how you will incorporate various theories (choose at least 3 theories) into your social work practice. Include a discussion of which course readings and activities helped you more fully develop your theoretical orientation (provide the citations for readings).
Then, choose one of the social work theories and explain how you will use that theory in your social work practice.
Remember to discuss literature that addresses these points.
Third, provide a paragraph that summarizes how you envision integrating your personal theoretical perspective to enhance your cultural sensitivity when working with Hispanic and Latino clients.
Paper Logistics: 
The paper must adhere to the following:
Length: 5 pages including APA style cover page and references page. An abstract is not required.
Sources: Identify at least 5 sources pivotal in helping you form your personal theoretical orientation.
References Page: To follow APA format.

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