due today 22

Rough Draft of the Final Report
You are required to develop a rough draft for your Final Lab Report which covers the drinking water quality experiment from the Week Two Lab assignment Lab 2: Water Quality and Contamination. Please use the Week Three Assignment Template for preparing your rough draft to insure that you include all required components in a well-organized manner. Before completing this Template view the Tutorial on the Rough Draft of the Final Lab Report Template so that you have a clear picture on how to use the template most effectively. This rough draft must also be reviewed using the Grammarly(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. tool from the Writing Center to help you identify and correct any mistakes to your rough draft. Be sure to submit a screen shot of the Grammarly report and the corrected rough draft to the Week Three Assignment box. This resource will show you how to take a screen shot on your computer and upload it to Waypoint successfully.For a written transcript clickhere.
Complete the following steps to submit both reports:
Note: Need help using Grammarly? Email the Writing Center at .
Note: Please do not use www.grammarly.com to sign up as you will get limited feedback. Ashford University pays for additional fabulous Grammarly services so you dont have to. If you encounter any problems or technical issues please contact:
The Rough Draft of the Final Lab Report must contain the following seven sections in this order:
Note: An abstract must be included in the Final Lab Report. However the abstract should not be included in the rough draft as it is to be written last after the entire paper is fully written. Do not forget this in your Final Lab Report.
In addition to the Grammarly(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. tool you have three tutoring services available: Paper Review Live Chat and Tutor E-mail. Click on the Writing Center (AWC) tab in the left-navigation menu in your online course to learn more about these tutoring options and how to get help with your writing.
written transcript of video
Hello SCI207 students. This week you’ll be working on your week three rough draft for your final paper. To help you complete the rough draft you’ll use the template located in the week three assignment section. Using this template will not only assure that you are following the right format for your rough draft but it will also clarify how to put together your rough draft significantly reducing confusion and the amount of time it takes to complete the rough draft.Let’s get into some more details about each section of the template. First read the directions in purple at the top of the document particularly the part about reviewing the final lab report instructions. Don’t skip over this section. Each of these points will clarify what to include in your rough draft submission. Finally make sure you delete these directions before turning in your paper.The first section of your rough draft will be the introduction. As you can see this is already laid out for you in three sections– background objective and hypothesis– each with specific directions about what to write in each body paragraph. Make sure you read through each section line by line paying special attention to where your sources go and where your hypothesis should be at this point.The next section materials and methods will detail what you use in your exponent as well as how you carried out the experiment. The directions in this part of the template will help you avoid two common pitfalls– too much information or not enough information. Read through these recommendations to find the right balance for your draft.The next section results will include two subsections– tables and body paragraph. The directions in the table section will assure that you are formatting the table in the correct format and using the right units of measurement. You will follow this up with a paragraph that describes the results. Pay special attention to this sentence. No personal opinion should be included. This can be tricky to do but think to yourself just facts no opinion and you’ll be on the right path.Next will be the discussion. This section of the template breaks down the discussion into three paragraphs to make it easier for you to write a concise yet meaningful discussion. Take a deep breath and work through each part. You will notice that this section includes questions that encourage critical thinking and reflection. Take time to consider these questions and how they relate to your findings. What do your results mean? How does your study relate to other research that has been done on this topic? In this section you will also write about errors in your scientific experiment. Even the most precise scientific experiments have an error rate so don’t be afraid to discuss this. It’s normal.In the third paragraph you will be asked to propose future exponents you might conduct based upon the results of this one. Scientists often find that each new exponent raises more questions than it answers. What new questions can you think of based on your own results?Finally you’ll work on your conclusion and references. The conclusion is simple. What main message would you like people to take away from this report? You may want to play around with your conclusion over the next few weeks until you can concisely summarize the main takeaways.Don’t forget to include your references in APA format. If you need help of formatting you can go to the Ashford University Writing Center to get resources or to reach out to a writing consultant. You can access the Writing Center directly from the Science 207 classroom. Just scroll down the menu along the left side of the page and click the tab labeled Writing Center.

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