Assignment 5 Management Project Progress Report Descrip

Assignment 5 Management Project Progress Report
Marks out of
Due date
Progress Report Submission III
The final progresses report is a chance to highlight and discuss any issues that you are having in meeting the project plans. Discuss any changes to the original proposal what is to be achieved for the project in terms of deliverables.
For External and Internal Students
The document report is to be submitted in the link provided on the discussion list for the course.
Internal Students
For internal students on top of the submission you will also need to make a 15 minute appointment with the course leader during the report week to present and discuss your progress in person.
Project Progress Report III
The third project report is in regards to your progress you have made in reaching the assignment requirements.
The report will be 2 pages in length and contain the following sections
Progress in developing the added functionality to the system.
Documentation of any issues or changes since last proposal
Progress in acquiring the desired technology experience for the project.
Plans and time line for acquiring the experience in order to proceed with the project
Any issues you wish to highlight regarding the project progress.

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