Cosmos corporation manufacures collectible toy cars in a plant that has the ca

Cosmos corporation manufacures collectible toy cars in a plant that has the capacity to produce 3000 cars each month current month the production is 80
percent of capacity the normal selling price is $36 unit level cost and facility costs for the current activity level is

unit level cost $ 28560

Facility cost

Manufacturing 96000

markiting 78000

total cost $ 202560

cosmos has just received spicial order from a japaness company for 1100 cars at $ 31 each with target completion date in three months cosmos has never
competed in the globle marketplace the company has hired a consultant for $ 5500 each month of the contract optain advice on conducting business in japan

plae answer all

A does cosmos have sufficient productive capacity to accept the order

B is the order attractive from financial prespective show your calculation

C disuse any other consideration should include in analyzing order

D is it benificient for company to take a loss on this order if it is desire to enter the japanese market

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