Margaret Marshalls majority opinion on Goodridge v. Department of Public Health Writing Assignment Homework Help

This assignment will showcase your ability to recognize and examine argument structure. Please be sure to follow all of the assignment guidelines which your instructor will give to you in class or listed below.
In this week’s assignment we are going to take a look at a couple of arguments related to an immensely controversial idea in our society the idea of same-sex marriage. At the end of chapter six you will find two different opinions Justice Margaret Marshalls majority opinion on Goodridge v. Department of Public Health Matthew Spaldings A Defining Moment for Marriage and Self-Government. While many of you may have strong opinions on one side or the other of this debate this week I am going to ask you to set your own opinions aside and see if we can begin to identify the different parts of argument.
Specifically read through these two articles and choose one of them. Then for your chosen article identify the various parts of the argument as they are described in chapter six of your text. Explain how the various parts work together to prove an overall claim. Again you are not asked in this assignment to evaluate their argument or to give your opinion but to describe that argument and explain how those different parts work together.
PLEASE NOTE: This assignment is not asking for a summary of the articles or your perspective on this issue. Instead in this assignment and many others you will be doing an analysis of a particular article using the ideas and criteria specified by the assignment.
Criteria for Success
These assignments are designed to give you an opportunity to practice as well as demonstrate the fundamental skills a critical thinker needs. It is not enough to simply meet the minimum word requirement. In order to excel in this assignment you should
1 Knowledgeably employ the terms and ideas in the class materials and apply them to your given topic.
2. Skillfully and specifically analyze your given object of investigation.
Assignment Expectations
For this assignment you should not need to consult or utilize any outside sources. If you feel compelled to make reference to outside sources or other people’s words or ideas you need to cite them using APA citation or you may be committing plagiarism. (Please see APA information provided by your library or contact either me or the librarian if you need clarification on APA citation).
Your assignment should be a minimum of 500 words (not including headers references or other items not part of the main assignment text) and should be formatted according to APA specifications.
Course Learning Outcome: 1

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