Typically a person who is considered to be task oriented is to be thought of as a great transactional leader! One of the most important items on their agendas is that they must complete tasks. They feel that it is important for their success. Many of the emotions and feelings that others experience have no impact on their lives. I have worked with this particular leader for only eleven months now. She was my principal who not only displayed zero tolerance for disciplinary issues with students but with the teachers as well. I felt nervous when I worked with her. It was awful! In many of the staff meetings she simply dictated orders to the staff. It was not pleasant to be a part of this team during this time. If she were asked to define her style of leadership I think she would say it was simply participative. She could not see that it was a difficult situation to say the least! Then log on to the Center for Writing Excellence. Submit the passage you saved on your desktop to WritePointSM. When you receive the results click Reply to this thread and state what you learned from using the WritePointSM tool.