The Odyssey compared to Inferno or The Song of Roland

The major assignment for this week is to compose a 900-word essay comparing The Odyssey with either The Song of Roland or Dantes Inferno.In this paper you will write an in-depth analysis using your own ideasand excerpts from the epic poems in the form of quotes paraphrase orsummary.
Pick a Topic
First identify a topic in consultation with your instructor or write about one of the following options:
Compare and contrast how one or two of these topics is developed in The Odyssey and Dantes Inferno.Be sure to contextualize your examination in the cultural valuesphilosophies literary movements and ideas that typify each work. Useliterary perspectives to enrich your analysis.
Compare and contrast the figures Roland and Odysseus byconsidering whether and/or how they exhibit the characteristics of anepic hero. Be sure to contextualize your examination in the culturalvalues philosophies literary movements and ideas that typify eachwork. Use literary perspectives to enrich your analysis.

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