For the Portfolio Project students will conduct an analysis of a recent article

For the Portfolio Project students will conduct an analysis of a
recent article and provide their evaluation and outcome expectations in a
written paper of 1500-2500 words that discusses: 1. A minimum of three general economic principles related to the article2. Identification of three to five macroeconomic indices3. Definition and explanation of the indices e.g. GDP CPI and other economic calculations4. Definition and explanation of the indices5. Discussion about what the specific indices mean in relationship to the overall article and how they IMPACT each other6. Appropriate evaluation decisions and forecasts that could be made from the information.****Last week we chose an article and created an outline for
instructor approval. The article was approved and is listed below along
with the three principles and three chosen indices****Article: Whitney Mike (October 2013). The True State of the U.S.
Economy. Retrieved from principles: People respond to incentives Governments can
sometimes improve market outcomes and Prices rise when the government
prints too much money.Three indices: GDP Real Wages and Income**I have to use the chosen article three principles and three
indices to meet the assignment criteria stated at the beginning of this
question. I need some help bringing everything together from the

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