jobs. The company estimates that revenue will increase by 40000 over the ne


The company estimates that revenue will increase by 40000 over the next year as a result of the exhibit. For the previous year profit was as

Revenue $210000


Design supplies $16000

Salary of samantha spade (Owner) 82000

Salary of kim (full time employee) 56000

Rent 19000

Utilities 7000

Depreciation of office equipment 4000

Printing of advertising materials 800

Advertising in middleton journal 3000

Travel expenses other then depreciation of autos 2500

Depreciation of company cars 10000 200300

Net income $9700

Calculate the impact of the exhibit on company profit. Should the company exhibit at the home show?

Supplies as a percent of revenue Percentage

Travel as a percent of revenue ?Percentage?

Increase in revenue ?Amount?


Title? ?Amount?

Title? ?Amount?

Title? ?Amount?

Increase in profit ?Formula?

Title? ???????


For most construction projects Bradley Heating and Cooling buys sheet metal and forms the metal into heating/cooling ducts as
needed. The company estimates the costs of making and installing ductwork for Kerry Park shopping mall to be as follows:

Materials $35000

Labor to form ductwork 3000

Labor to install ductwork 9000

Misc. variable costs 1500

Fixed costs allocated based on labor hours 3000

Total costs $51500

late fees.

Dont Buy Prefabricated Buy Prefabricated Buy Difference

Materials ?Amount? ?Amount? ?Formula?

Title ?Amount? ?Amount? ?Formula?

Title ?Amount? ?Amount? ?Formula?

Title ?Amount? ?Amount? ?Formula?

Title ?Amount? ?Amount? ?Formula?

Title ?Amount? ?Amount? ?Formula?

Total ?Formula? ?Formula? ?Formula?

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