FOR 525 evaluation 3

Part I

Navigate to ANAB’s Directory of Accredited Organizations (Links to an external site.)
In the General search, select your home state in the drop down list under State.
A list of all the ANAB accredited forensic and calibration laboratories for that state will be assembled.
Select the Certificate Scope for the laboratory from this ANAB accredited laboratory list in your state (it can be a lab you already work in if it’s on the list).
Answer the questions below regarding the information.
Part II

Search the web and locate the public website for the ANAB accredited laboratory that you selected in Part I.
Locate the job description for the job you hold now or the job you would like at a forensic or calibration laboratory.
Evaluate the job description.
Answer the questions below regarding the information.  If you select a job that has no job description then you must find a different job description in which you can answer the questions to part II.  If you answer all questions that no information given, you will not be given credit for the assignment.
Apply the ANAB Scope of Accreditation when evaluating accreditation services provided by an ANAB accredited forensic or calibration laboratory.  Answer the following questions below. Up to 75 points will be earned if the student addresses the following:

Part I (45 points)

Select an ANAB accredited forensic or calibration laboratory in your home state.
Provide the URL or web address for the Scope of Accreditation for the lab you selected. Or provide a copy of the Certificate Scope.
Evaluate the ANAB Scope of Accreditation for the laboratory you selected and answer the following questions:
a. Name of the Forensic or Calibration laboratory.

b. Address

c. What ISO/IEC requirements are fulfilled? (include the year with the ISO/IEC standards)

d. What ANAB Forensic Testing and Calibration AR (Accreditation Requirements) are specified?  (Include the year)

e. Are any other National Standards listed?

f.  What is the certificate number?

g. What is the expiry of the certificate?

h.  What disciplines are listed?

i.  Select and declare the area of the laboratory that interests you (Biology, Firearms and Toolmark, Friction Ridge, Sized Drugs, Toxicology, Scene Investigation, etc.)

j. For the area of the laboratory that interests you, what are the Component/Parameter, Item, Key Equipment/Technology listed on the Scope of Accreditation?

k. Is expanded measurement uncertainty listed for any discipline? (Yes or No)

l.  Is there anything that you learned or surprised or interested you when you read this document?

Part II (30 points)

Select a job description for job in the ANAB accredited forensic or calibration laboratory in your home state that you selected in Part I.
Provide the URL or web address for the job description
Evaluate the job description for the laboratory you selected and answer the following questions:
a. What is the Job Title?

b. What are the essential functions of the job?

c.  What are the minimum educational requirements for the position?

d.  Are there any additional required educational course credit hours specific for that position?  If so, what are they?

e.  Are there any knowledge, skills, and abilities requirements listed?  If so, what are they?

f.  Are there any working condition declarations? ( chemical, biological, or other hazards) If so, what are they?

g. Are there any special or additional requirements?  If so, what are they?

h. Is Drug/Substance Abuse testing required?

i. Is a polygraph test administered?

j. Is a background check required?

k. Is submission of a DNA sample for a staff database required?

l. Is this a defined benefit job (a pension) or a define contribution (401K) position?  You may have to look at the human resources benefits page for the organization.

The state selected is Georgia.

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