Discussion of interface design


This is a 2-phase discussion wherein you will make your first post having completed roughly half the videos and then a second post after completing the rest of the videos.  The halfway point in the video Series is the Ideation video course.  Your first post should discuss what concept, approach, or tool you found most useful in the first half of the videos and how it could have assisted you in a course or job project you had to complete in the past.  The second post should discuss a concept, approach, or tool you found most useful from the 2nd half of the videos and how you could have applied it to a past school or job project.  Posts should be substantive and clearly explain your understanding of the concept, approach, or tool and why you found it useful as well as clearly describe the past project and how the identified element from the videos could be employed and its benefits to the project completion process.  Two or three sentences will not suffice as substantive posts. These should be well thought out and clearly demonstrate your understanding of the applicability of the concept, tool, or approach to a project.

Each paragraph should be 10 to 15 lines. I cant be able to give you access of the video, so I mention all the topics. Please follow the rubrics. 

First paragraph topics: 

1. Planning a career in user experience 

– Design Careers 

       -Interaction design 

        – Visual design

        – service design 

         – information architecture 

-Research Careers

-Strategy careers 

-Your UX career

2. UX design: 1 Overview 

1. User-centered Design

2. Techniques in these course

3. UX design: 2 Analyzing user data

Data analysis in the user-centered design process

Gathering user data

Experience mapping 

Actionable data 

4. UX design:3 creating personas

Personas in the user-centered design 

Persona creation 

Data-driven personas

5. UX Design: 4 Ideation 

Adding creativity to the user-centered design

Ideation techniques

For the second paragraph.

6.  UX Design: 5 Creating scenarios and storyboards 

Creating scenarios 

Storyboards to visualize scenarios 

7.  UX Design: 6  Paper prototyping 

Creating a paper prototyping 

User testing a paper prototype 

8. UX Design: 7 Implementation planning 

Planning and tracking 

Story mapping 

9. UX foundations: Interaction Design 

Interaction designer 

A model of psychology and interaction design 

Intro psychology 

The interaction design model

Interaction design 

10. Sketching for UX designers 

Sketching and design 

Basic techniques 

Other sketching formats 

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