Expand on the A2 Milk Company within the U.S. market economy only

Please write three pages on the expansion of A2 Milk Company within the U.S. market economy only.

1. Access to a large dealer network: A2 Milk Company has access to an extensive dealer network. It has established culture among its distributors and dealers in which dealers advertise the company’s products and teach salespeople how to best use those products.

2. Ease of market penetration:  A2 Milk Company Limited has established a reputation for successfully entering new markets. The company can leverage new emerging and fast developing economies. As a result of the expansion, the company has reduced its exposure to economic cycle risk in the markets it serves, allowing it to diversify its revenue sources. Moreover, the automation of business processes improved the company’s quality As a result, the company has been able to adjust the size of its operation to meet market demands.

Please use credible sources and back up with credible research.

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