Exit strategy recommendations and plan



You are a business development manager reporting to the vice president (VP) of business development at one of the largest life sciences organizations in the Midwest. While the organization has shown constant growth and profitability since its inception in 1999, the owners have decided that it is time to sell. Given the current uncertainty in global markets, the organizations board of directors is not convinced that this is the right approach.

While work was underway to find a potential buyer, the VP called on you to join the strategic planning team to assess the organizations exit strategy and make recommendations to its board of directors. You have been working closely with your strategic planning team to make some initial analyses and recommendations to help plan for the sale of the organization.

As part of the planning team, your first task was to select people from your organization to build a guiding coalition to help the organization transition during and after the acquisition.

Then, you were asked to analyze one of the organizations core strengths, its talented pool of employees. This included analyzing the attrition data to understand why employees have left the organization and recommending ways to ensure employee stability in the future. This essential information will be provided to potential acquirers to assure them of the organizations ability to retain talent.

While planning was underway, your first potential buyer started to get cold feet. So, you were asked to research an alternative buyer and build a contingency plan. This contingency plan is an important part of your exit strategy and your report to the board of directors. You and your team were also asked to formulate an acquisition road map that lays out the action steps and timelines for the plan.

Now that the initial analysis and plans are complete, your VP is ready to make the presentation to the board of directors. The VP has asked you to prepare a formal report that you will send to the board prior to the presentation. This report will include the analyses and plans you have developed over the last few weeks. It is important to note that your report will provide the first impression to the board about the upcoming presentation and meeting. You need to craft a compelling message that provides insights based on all the work your team has done and substantiates your position with data. In addition, as a part of your report, you will also outline a change management strategy that will help ensure a smoother transition after the sale of the organization.


Exit strategy recommendations and plan: provide a change management strategy for moving forward toward a sale of the organization in the course scenario. Specifically, you must address the following criteria:

1. Change management strategy: Using Kotters change model as a guide, explain each step of the change management strategy that you recommend. Your response should address the following:


a) How will you create a sense of urgency?

b) How will the guiding coalition continue to guide the change? Who will they impact? Identify which critical tasks from the acquisition road map the guiding coalition should complete. Also, determine the expected timelines for these tasks to be completed.

c) What is your strategic vision for the company, its operations, and its employees after the acquisition?

d) What is the plan for enlisting a group of employees to get other employees united around the common vision?

e) What barriers to change do you foresee? How do you plan to remove them?

f) How will you track progress?

g) How will you communicate short-term wins?

2. Summary: Summarize your strategy and assessment of risks.

a) Describe the overall strategy that you recommend for the organizations acquisition goals.

b) Explain how the strategy will fit in the business environment of the oncology market segment in the pharmaceutical industry. Consider using an external business environment analysis to inform your conclusions.

3. Risks: Identify three potential risks that may be associated with your recommendation and explain steps the organization can take to mitigate those risks.

I have selected The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), 18 U.S.C. 1030 for this paper.

1. Thesis: What law are you researching (You are to choose a specific law. Please do not choose a topic)? What position do you want to take in regard to your chosen law? You will need to decide if you agree or disagree with the current way the law is written. You can choose to like certain aspects of the law and not others.

2. Background: What is the existing point you want to challenge or support, and how did the law get to be that way (This is where you would need to find cases, background information, etc.)?

3. Inadequacies: What are the deficiencies in the present way of doing things, or what are the weaknesses in the argument you are attacking?

4. Adequacies: Discuss the positive aspects of the law?

5. Proposed Changes: How will we have a better situation, mode of understanding or clarity with what you are advocating? In short, how can the law be improved (or not diminished)? (This is where you have the chance to change the law with your own ideas of how it should be written).

6). Conclusion: Why should and how can your proposal be adopted?

A detailed implementation plan is NOT expected, but you should provide enough specifics for practical follow-up. In making recommendations, you are expected to draw on theories, concepts and reading.

5 pages Full Pages

Title page 

Reference page 

Follow APA Guidelines for citing and referencing sources. Your paper must be in your own words, representing original work. Paraphrases of others’ work must include attributions to the authors. Limit quotations to an average of no more than 3-5 lines, and use quotations sparingly. It is always better to write the information in your own words than to directly quote.

5 outside sources cited and referenced in the paper following APA guidelines.

English 1020 3


Discussion: “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” (closes June 19)

Class, after reading “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” please review  ” Four Theories for Joyce Carol Oates” beneath Week 3 Module. You may believe that all of these theories are plausible and have textual support (and some may overlap), or you might just subscribe to one theory. For this board, discuss how you feel this story can be interpreted and what evidence supports that interpretation or interpretations (if choosing more than one theory). Please include a few direct quotes to support your points.  When you have posted, please reply to at least two peers.

*Remember that you must post your own response first before being able to engage with your peers.


Week 10 Assignment – Learning Activity: Career Mentoring Experiences Summary


Week 10 Assignment – Learning Activity: Career Mentoring Experiences Summary

Having completed the Career Mentoring Program, take time now to reflect on your experiences over the past 10 weeks.For this activity:

  • Write a concise, one-page summary of your career mentoring experiences, addressing one or more of these topics: career choice, job search strategies, resume or profile, networking, and lessons learned.
    • Did you solidify your career choice or discover new careers of interest?
    • Did you learn new strategies for finding HR jobs?
    • Will you able to tailor your resume or profile or add a new LinkedIn connection, because of this experience?
    • How will you apply what you learned in the mentoring experience to move forward in your HR career?
  • Write clearly and concisely in a manner that is well organized, grammatically correct, and free of spelling, typographical, formatting, and/or punctuation errors.

currently a coordinator at bright horizons learning center.. want to move into HR WITH THE COMPANY


  • A recent and important conversation with Kimberle Crenshaw and others about the importance of using intersectionality to understand better violence directed at minority communities.  

Paper Prompt: 

  • What did you learn and/or find interesting about this documentary/film/podcast?
  • How does it relate to and/or challenge some of the texts and key terms from this week?  ( See specific paper and key term requirements below).

Grading Requirements:

  • Minimum of  four (4)  pages, double spaced
  • Engages with at least three (3) readings from class (remember to use parenthetical citations or footnotes…no works cited required)
  • Engages with at least three (3) key terms
  • Uses evidence from film/documentary AND texts to support insights/opinions/reflections
  • Reflects college-level writing standards (e.g., grammar, syntax, voice, spelling, etc). 

What Does Intersectionality Actually Mean?

training and development

 The Major Project requires a 2,200 research  The purpose of the research report is to inform small to medium-sized businesses (less than 500 employees) of why a formal training and development program is a benefit to the firm and worth the investment in time, financial, and physical resources. The report should show your breadth and depth of insight from the assigned reading and show clear evidence of outside research of at least 10 resources. The resources should come from at least five different sources (websites, organizations, magazines, etc.). Please remember, references should not be included as part of your word count. 

Porter’s Five Forces

Discuss Porter’s Five Forces in-depth, and explain which of these forces is/are more dominant in healthcare than in other industries. Also, discuss how the strength of these forces varies among healthcare sectors? Identify a local healthcare market in a city of your choice and identify specifically how Porter’s Five Forces impact this specific market.

The initial post must have a minimum of four (4) scholarly references/industry professional journals


Discussion Prompt: How do you use statistics in your work as a nurse or healthcare provider? Find and discuss at least two examples of how statistics are used in your field. Do you feel like statistics are a vital part of the nursing field? Why or why not?


Please answer the below questions in 250 word limit in APA format with 2 in text citations

What are some key performance indicators that are used by organizations in which you have been employed? How did managers explain the importance of these KPIs, and were any rewards tied to them? 

Need to respond to two classmate post. The response should be in 150 word limit each (please see attached document for classmate post)

Project Management…6

 Compare the following digital camera in terms of evaluation criteria. Also consider mentioning their

 brands, models and digital. 

Types of Cameras

  • Compact Camera
  • Waterproof Camera
  • Bridge Camera

Evaluation criteria

. Features

. Price



. Size

. picture quality

. weight

Use the following link to help you
