Assignment 5


Assignment 5 requirement

1) Please design three activities that you would use or engage in, in order to describe three aspects of Piaget’s theory to your fellow classmates. That is, these activities will be meant for adults, not children. The activities could be skits, videos, drawings, or anything else that you can think of. Please note that if you choose a video, you will actually have to create one, it will not be enough to just describe it. If you choose a comic strip, you will actually have to design/develop/draw it, it will not be enough to just describe it. The more creative this activity is, and the more detail you include in your description of the activity, the better  (6 points).

2) Imagine a debate between Piaget and Vygotsky, regarding cognitive development. What would this debate look like? What would they agree on (please name at least three things)? What would they disagree on (please name at least three things)? (This part of the assignment should follow a “conversation” format, between these two giants, and should be about two to three pages long (Times New Roman, Font 12, Double-Spaced) (4 points)

3)  List and describe Four techniques that parents can use to scaffold (Vygotsky) the development of one or more cognitive skills in their children, and explain why each is effective. You can describe three techniques to scaffold the development of one cognitive skill, one technique to scaffold the development of three different cognitive skills, or three techniques to scaffold the development of three different cognitive skills (4 points)

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