Week 15 DQ 2

Research and discuss the philosophy and methods of antibiotic selection and stewardship. Select and address one of the focus areas below. Support your summary and recommendations plan with a minimum of two APRN approved scholarly resources.

  • Discuss antibiotic stewardship and the role you play in this as a nurse practitioner.
  • Discuss antibiotic resistance.
  • Discuss what resources are available for antibiotic selection.
  • Explain how to obtain and interpret microbiology cultures/sensitivities.
  • Explain antibiograms.
  • Discuss when is it appropriate to withhold antibiotics until a pathogen can be identified versus when you must initiate empiric antibiotic therapy while the pathogen is still being identified.
  • Explain what is meant by local or geographic antibiotic resistance.
  • Explain when it is appropriate to consult an infectious disease specialist.

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