

For this milestone, you will use the Four Ds diagnostic indicators to analyze one behavior that might impair a persons adaptive daily functioning. You will determine if that behavior could potentially represent a clinical disorder. Use your template to address the rubric criteria listed below with a minimum of 3 to 5 sentences per bullet. Support your answers with a credible source when necessary.

From the list in the Overview, select one behavior that might impair a persons adaptive daily functioning, then address the following:

  • Distress: Describe the extent to which the selected behavior causes distress as characterized by mental or emotional imbalance.
  • Dysfunction: Describe the extent to which the selected behavior causes dysfunction by interfering with adaptive daily functioning.
  • Danger: Describe the extent to which the selected behavior presents as a danger to self or others.
  • Deviance: Describe the extent to which the selected behavior deviates from normality.

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