Wk 2, MHA 506: Financial and Ethical Impact Analysis Summary

Assignment Content

Throughout this course, you will analyze the Case Study: East Chestnut Regional Health System (ECRHS).

Review the document.

Assume East Chestnut Regional Health upper management has asked you to analyze its current marketing strategies from both ethical and financial perspectives.

Use the as a tool to help you complete your analysis.

Create a 1,050-word Financial and Ethical Impact Analysis for ECRHSs current health care marketing strategy for upper management, based on the above factors.

Include a summary of each section in your analysis: 

  • Mission and objectives 
  • Organizational structure and culture 
  • Current marketing strategies 
  • Current financial analysis 
  • Competitive advantage 
  • Current value chain 
  • Current target market 
  • External environmental factors 

Citeat least 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., tradeor industry publications, government or agency sites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

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