Use academically peer reviewed journal articles

1) Why Is It Important That Businesses Maintain A High Level Of Visibility On Search Engine Results Pages? 2) Explain How Search Engines Determine If Websites Contain Relevant Information Or Content.

Use academically peer reviewed journal articles

Format for all questions – Introduction Paragraph 12-15 lines, Body 2 – 3 paragraphs 12-15 lines, Summary/Conclusion restates the main points 12-15 lines. Finally each question should include a APA formatted reference list and no copy paste.

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For this assignment, you will be close reading text from our third unit in order to argue for an interpretation of it, though this time you will be doing so by using a second text to inform your reading. Your texts could be from two different mediums—that is, you could pick and choose from auditory, visual, and alphabetic texts, but choosing two different mediums is not required. Your essay should be 7-10 pages in length, and must be in MLA format, which means 12 point Times New Roman font, double spaced, and following the standards for citing and documenting all sources (including both in-text citations and a Works Cited page).


In this unit, we will practice the art of the comparative analysis, in which you make an argument that involves how two texts interact. No one writes in a vacuum, and authors occasionally directly respond to the ideas of other authors; however, even when authors do not make specific responses to each other, they are responding to ideas presented in other texts. It is this interaction and response that you will analyze, just as you have in your first and second essays.

In this paper, you might use one text as a way of rethinking another text; you might compare/contrast how two texts present differing arguments; you might compare/contrast how two texts treat a specific issue; or you might look at how an alphabetic text treats an issue and then how another visual or non-visual (auditory) text treats the same issue. These are not your only options: they are examples to jump-start your thought process. Importantly, you must argue an interpretation of the texts—how they interact or how you employ them comparatively is your choice. You need to write on at least one text that we have discussed in class.

Consider what we have learned in terms of cultural and historical arguments—the work you do in this paper may, and probably should, resemble the work of our previous one. This assignment may involve a bit of outside research, like our last paper, which you can incorporate (and CITE) into your writing, though this is not a specific requirement for this essay. Similarly, your reading of these two texts might also include some analysis of the cultural and/or historical moment, though this is not specific requirement for this essay.

Environmental Management and Sustainability


You are the fund manager for a medium-sized public pension fund that provides retirement investment for 500,000 teachers and public employees, and their families. Your traditional fiduciary responsibility has been, within reason, to minimize risk of investment loss and to maximize growth of the fund.

Recently, your offices have been the focal point of several protests from a local environmental group. They are demanding that your fund divest from the 10 largest international oil companies on the grounds that those companies are contributing to climate change and are responsible for the five largest oil spills in recent history which caused billions of dollars in damage and took an ecological toll on marine wildlife.

In response to the protests and media inquiries, you asked a reputable accounting firm to analyze the financial impact if you were to follow the request and divest your fund’s holdings in the 10 largest oil companies. The accounting firm returned analysis showing that an immediate divestment would likely reduce expected growth in the fund over the next 20 years by 10 percent. However, if divestment took place over a 5-year period and was done strategically, the fund’s expected growth would be cut by 5 percent.

The environmental group is calling for immediate divestment as a way to send a moral signal to the oil companies that their actions are unacceptable. Further, the group believes that as governments internationally place regulations on the emissions of greenhouse gases, the oil companies’ profits will decline and that the loss to your fund will not be as dramatic as the accounting firm predicts.

You received a letter signed by 1,000 families who have their retirement investments in your fund calling on you to refuse to divest. They state that they rely on the fund to maximize growth so they and their families can have retirement security, and they are concerned about the financial impact of divestment. While they note that they support environmental protection, they would prefer that you simply offer an alternative socially responsible investment option for those public employees and teachers in the fund who do not wish to support fossil fuel companies with their retirement monies.

You have been called to testify at a legislative hearing in your state legislature, where they are considering a bill that would require public pension funds in the state, including yours, to divest immediately from the 10 largest oil companies internationally. The committee chair is a strong champion for environmental action and wants to show that divestment is a good strategy for addressing the responsibility to take action on climate change.

Write your testimony to the committee. In it, weigh the pros and cons of the following three options and consider how social responsibility factors and potential future regulation of greenhouse gas emissions play a role in each:

·         Divest immediately

·         Divest over a 5-year period

·         Refuse to divest and instead offer new socially responsible investment choices to those participating teachers and public employees in the fund who prefer that their money not go toward fossil fuel investments

Make a recommendation as to which option you believe the legislation should take. Evaluate how it is the right choice for your pension fund, the families you invest on behalf of, the global community, and for the environment.

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Operatinal Budgeting and Profit Planning

Please complete the following (pdf attached)




For your Chapter 10 homework, please complete the following exercises, using the usual method for submissions.



P10-33, all of part a, but ignore variable overhead for parts b and c

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What is unique about women and substance abuse in terms of treatment and what types of treatments are available for women?

Research question. 1. What is unique about women and substance abuse in terms of treatment and what types of treatments are available for women?
2. Select six authoritative sources. • Three of the six source should include must be journal articles (they can be review and/or research articles obtained through a library database or through 
an Open Access platform). Other sources can be from reputable websites, books, and other legitimate sources appropriate for academic research. 

• You may include up to four sources used in previous assignments this term, if they are still authoritative and relevant in terms of the development of your research. 

• It is highly recommended that you review sources you have selected for previous assignments and scan the references, works cited, and/or footnotes, if provided, to see whether they are still appropriate, and what other sources may be useful to track down. Note specific works and authors mentioned repeatedly since these may be seminal works or important experts to know about for your topic. 

• DO NOT include encyclopedia or dictionary sources of any kind for this assignment. You would not use these in a formal, academic research essay. 

• If you decide to include a webpage as one of your sources, be sure that you have thoroughly evaluated it to ensure that it is a legitimate source of information. For example, a report published by a government or non-profit agency would be considered an appropriate and credible source. (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, The Congressional Budget Office, the Mayo Clinic). Should you have any questions about locating your sources, contact either your instructor or the Brandman librarians at Leatherby Library. 

3. Write correctly formatted APA citations for each source. 4. Beneath the citation for each source, you must provide a four-five sentence annotation that address the following components:

Business Studies

For this discussion activity, you will conduct your scavenger hunt by finding two examples of where the organization and management ensured employment and employee laws and workplace rules were clear and consistent for everyone in the organization, and then provide two examples where an organization failed in this area, along with the end result for the organization. Think about examples in your past when there was an employee who was always pushing the envelope and trying to get away with the little things, or even examples where managers or organizations broke the law outright.
In addition, I want you to consider what social media and technology are adding to this topic and the issues this creates for the workplace. Remember these examples can come from any organization. These examples can be from current events, historical instances, or classic examples, in video or print.
Conduct a web search seeking two examples of employment or employee laws that you believe were vital in changing or creating today’s workplace and then share two examples where rules and laws were either not enforced or were not enforced evenly and fairly throughout the organization.
Discuss what you found during your web search. 
Provide a description of your selected key functions and how these functions can and do affect all managers and organizations. 
In response to your colleagues:
Discuss any personal experiences you have had with employee laws and rules (both good and bad) and explain some of the different ways organizations are trying to stay within the rules to ensure they don’t violate the employee’s rights, including issues that social media brings to the workplace. 
Discuss any similarities or differences with your own perceptions.



In the Documents section, under Personal Statement, please upload your response to this prompt:.

Upload a 300-500 word essay describing

your philosophy of education and

your reasons for applying to and

your potential for succeeding in an advanced degree program in Special Education." Autism"

Please keep your response to 2 pages, double spaced with a 12 point font.

We recommend uploading the document in PDF format.

Online marketing agency

The business is a marketing company specialized in helping companies, personalities and politicians in managing their social media content and fueling their social media growth using cutting edge methods and tools.
The business will sell monthly and recurring packages to the clients that cater to every needs for their social media growth (including but not limited to user-acquisition campaign services, scheduled post, analytic of their social media strategy, consulting, strategy plans..)

You will need to find at least 3 competitors in Hong Kong 
Financial Projection over 3 years

Analyze ethical issues in business

Apple, Inc. is one of the most successful companies in the United States, yet in recent years it has been strongly criticized for its treatment of Chinese factory workers who assemble their products. Read this article, The Two Faces of Apple, published by the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, for an overview of the criticism of Apple's business conduct. If you are unfamiliar with Apple as a company, be sure to also visit its website for a review of its products.

Find two other articles that address Apple's treatment of workers. Try to find articles that add new information to the topic and which come from reputable sources such as widely circulated newspapers or magazines or nonpartisan organizations.

After reading more about the issue, answer the following questions in an essay of a suggested length of two to three pages:

1. In your opinion, has Apple shown a lapse in ethics? Justify your response by citing the two articles you researched and apply the terms and concepts from Exploring Business.

2. What changes could Apple make to address the criticism of its ethics? Is there a way to improve the treatment of its factory workers while maintaining a competitive price for its products?