Archive for November, 2017

Edgar Allen Poe and how he shaped the morality of the time.

Discuss how the author shaped the morality of the time. How the morality of time shaped the author. 1. Choose a familiar literary author 2. Research the history, culture, and society some examples what was the religion like in her times, what was the dynamic between men and women in her time for example if we look at Kate Chopin what were the legal requirements to get married. What did the culture expect of men and women in the institution of marriage? So you can look at religion, politics, government, history, culture and anything that has to with the times of the author. Which one did a better job of women during the feminist movement. 3. The more important aspect of the research paper Discuss how the author influenced the morality of his or her times. Or How the times influenced his or her writings. Examples: Their lessons, their values, their beliefs their virtues, some virtues include honesty, courage, bravery, integrity. Do you think the author of doing a good job of improving the moral character of his people? Some can say yes or no. Perhaps you wish to discuss the consequences of the Salem Witch Trials shaped Hawthorne’s Moral character maybe the culture of puritanism around the Salem witch trials influenced hawthorns moral character. Alternatively, you may wish to discuss how Nathanial Hawthorne shaped the morality of his puritan society 4. Be aware of your audience and your purpose. What were their beliefs in that time frame.

*Power Point Research Presentation.

World Views and Environmental Values

1) First, please identify at least three readings from the course this term that
took your thinking in a new direction, or one that contained specific insights
unfamiliar to you, but relevant to your thinking about an issue. The readings
can be from our texts and/or on- line readings required for this course. Again
– the readings should contain insights or concepts that are a) relatively new
to you — or else b) ideas and insights that motivate you to consider a familiar
concept or issue in a new way, in the context of worldviews and
environmental values.
This assignment is about going beyond what you already knew when you
began this course. I am asking you to think about the readings and
discussions in the context of your own learning — to assess the ways your
own thought has been challenged, or changed, by the readings we’ve
encountered (you may of course be challenged without being changed).
2) After choosing your particular readings, write a thoughtful, well-crafted
essay of no less than four pages (you may write more than four pages, but 
please no less), double- spaced.


Tax Protesters

Pick a tax protester scheme/argument/program/method/etc and relate in detail what some of the arguments for it being legitimate are in your mind. Feel free to use one of the ones mentioned in the lecture powerpoint on Tax Protesters or one not mentioned at all. No more than a few paragraphs is necessary. There is no right answer to this one.

See attached files and review for more information on the topic "Tax Protesters" if not familiar.

James Madison’s representation of equality and peace and how that shaped the American culture

look at how the work fits into the time period historically, or they look at how it was shaped by history and societal events, or they look at how they shape these events themselves. 
So for this paper you could discuss in detail how a particular work or author fits into the time period and/or how this work or author helped to shape our American culture (since that is the point of the class as a whole). You might look, for example, at how Christopher Columbus’ writings reflect his attitude toward the New World and the Native Americans there, and how it reflected the larger attitude that Europeans overall had toward them as they learned about them. Or you might disucss the historical and social processes that shaped Columbus’ attitude toward them. What led him to be the way that he was and act the way that he did? How does his text give clues to that?

It should have MLA in-text citations and a works cited page listing your (at least) three sources. It also should be type-written, double spaced and within standard margins. And it should be between 5-7 pages in length.

Business Finance – Operations Management

Think about how religion and ethics can affect health care as presented in this unit. What would you do if you were receiving care from a physician and some part of the care went against your ethical or religious beliefs? Would you continue to receive the care or reject it, against the doctor's advice?


Your journal entry must be at least 300 words in APA format. 

EAC 150 Take Home Essay

Select ONE of the following topics and respond in an essay that is approximately 800 words in length. Be attentive to quoting formats, grammatical accuracy and organization. Include a clear thesis and topic sentences.


1. Characters respond to a crisis in different ways. From Borowski, choose 3 or 4 varying reactions to a desperate situation. What do these reactions teach us about human nature?

2. The sudden awareness of one’s status as an outsider can be debilitating. Discuss the causes and effects of alienation in 2 readings.

3. What are the attitudes towards women and/or marriage that are evident in 2 readings?

4. Oppression takes many forms. It can be physical, mental, social or emotional. What are the responses to oppression in 2 readings?

5. Sometimes characters reveal behavior that is socially unacceptable, but the reader still forgives them. Why? 2 readings.

6. How characters see themselves and how others see them can be radically different. Examine the distinction between self-perception and social views. 2 readings.

7. Discuss the relationship between body image and social pressure. 2 readings.

Module 03 Written Assignment – The ETL Process

The ETL Process is the heart of the technical side of data warehousing. Conduct some independent research on the ETL Process. Write a 1-2 page APA formatted paper with citations and references that analyzes why the ETL process is important for data warehousing efforts. Within your paper, discuss the three steps of the ETL process and briefly describe the four categories of ETL technologies. Please provide examples of ETL technologies.


Submit your completed assignment to the drop box below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.


Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the ".docx" extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:



Microeconomics Essay

You will write a brief essay discussing any aspect of the US economy.   This assignment lets you demonstrate their mastery of the economic concepts learned in the course by writing a professional looking essay.  


The essay must be researched using business journals, periodicals and web based resources and must use economic principles learnt in class.



The best approach for this assignment is to consider that you are an expert tasked with writing a brief column in your local newspaper on a current economic issue.  Use a "newsy" Main title – followed by a descriptive sub-titile.


The essay should be about 1 – 2 pages long and must cite the sources of information, in APA style.  Use Times New Roman, 12 font size, single space.  No title page required.  No abstract required.  Just center the title in ALLCAPS at the top of the first page.


It should be written 100% in your own words, using no quotations etc.

Need a similar essay? We have qualified writers who can assist. Click ORDER NOW to get a special bonus- Up to 18% Discount Offer!!! 

Module 03 Course Project – Data Retrieval

Use the 2014FourthQuarter spreadsheet for this deliverable.


Take the original spreadsheet and delete the columns that will not be necessary in your analysis. In the same Excel spreadsheet, create a new tab called "Module 03 Explanation". In the Module 03 Explanation tab, provide an explanation on the fields that you will use and the fields that you eliminated. What was your reasoning?


Submit the edited spreadsheet with only the fields you will use to determine if the sales consultants are in policy.


Submit your completed assignments to the drop box below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.


Save your spreadsheet as a Microsoft Excel (.xls). The name of the files should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:

Need a similar essay? We have qualified writers who can assist. Click ORDER NOW to get a special bonus- Up to 18% Discount Offer!!! 

Business Finance – Operations Management

Prepare to discuss innovation as reported in a  company’s annual report. Hand in on  up to 1 page the theme that the company took to this topic and the context in which these words (entrepreneurship and/or innovation) were used – what did  the company mean when it used these words 

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