PHI210 Critical Thinking

ONE PARAGRAPH ONLYThe good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it. ? Neil DeGrasse Tyson As critical thinkers, we understand that our identity has grown and evolved since we came into this world. The influences that have shaped our sense of self over time (enculturation, experience, education, beliefs) have given each of ustovarying degreestheability to be both logical and illogical, depending on our personal development and what we have chosen to believe. This weeks reading looks at ways in which science and pseudoscience see the world differently. Science provides empirical, observable, and replicableevidence in support of its claims; pseudoscience cannot be tested, provides no measurable verifying evidence, and relies heavily on anecdotes, hearsay, popular myths, and metaphysical concepts. Respond to the following. Explain your answers and provide examples: In what areas of your life do you require concrete proof in order to believe in something? Which of your beliefs are based purely on intuition, faith, fear, feelings, or other premises that lack (or fly in the face of) scientific proof? NOTE: As tempting as it may be, please refrain from making this a discussion about religion.
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There are certain things in life that can be explained from the scientific perspectives. But there are several other things in life that cannot be thoroughly explained by science. The theories proposed by metaphysics or the religious teachings are among those things that cannot always be justified scientifically, but it would be erroneous to state such theories and teachings as unworthy because every such thing contributes to the bettering of the quality of life in a thorough manner. Hence, both science and pseudoscience is important.

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