• Essay Question :-
• Critically discuss the implications of the Parker Review (2017) for ethnic diversity on boards.
• Guidelines for the corporate governance Essay :-
Students are required to submit three pieces of work. 80% of the module mark is allocated to one assessed 4,500 word essay.
The word limitation includes footnotes and endnotes, but excludes the title, bibliography and any appendix or appendices. (In certain circumstances it may be necessary to include an appendix or appendices in a coursework submission, but such material will not be assessed and will not garner extra marks.) Penalties will be imposed for work that exceeds the prescribed word limitation. The penalties for exceeding the word limitation are: up to 10% over the limit, a deduction of 5 marks, with a further 5 marks deducted for each subsequent 10% or part therefore by which the word limit is exceeded. These penalties will be imposed strictly.
Your file must end in .doc or .docx, for essays.
The 4,500 word essay will be assessed on their understanding and interpretation of relevant literature, on their analytical skills and on the structure, clarity and presentation of their work.
The 4,500 word essay should not be descriptive, it should also reflect the writer voice.
The essay should have a clear structure (Introduction, Body, Conclusion).
The most important factor is the writer showing his critical thinking on the writing.