Reading Journal Assignment You are required to keep a Response Journal throughout the term to record your thoughts about the assigned readings. The journal will be graded for the thoroughness and thoughtfulness of your responses. You must clearly communicate your understanding of the readings and bring a high degree of critical thinking to your responses. The journal is a place for you to write any questions about the readings, to brainstorm, to make connections, and to start to formulate your own opinions about pertinent issues in graphic design. You should also use these essays as inspiration for your poster assignment (to be discussed later). You should have at least a page of writing for each assigned reading. Reading assignments will be listed under the Readings tab here on Blackboard. You will bring a printout of your first Reading Response, and subsequent responses you will upload on blackboard. For each summary: 1. Provide a short 1-paragraph summary of the reading. What is the author’s thesis/argument?2. What is your opinion/reaction to the text? What did it make you think about? How does it relate to current issues in graphic design? Were there any parts of the essay that were unclear? Did you enjoy the reading? 3. Write a quote (with page citation) that resonated with you and discuss why. 4. Write any key terms that the author used that you were not familiar with. You should also note the definition of these terms. 5. Write at least one question that you had about the reading. In the opinion, add critical thinking also might add any additional information outside the essay like website. Personal responses and clarity is important.
Written on May 3rd, 2018 by
1-Paragraph summary for each file