Archive for August, 2017

The Small Business Life Cycle

For the past six weeks, you have explored the behind the scenes process of starting a small business, by analyzing hypothetical scenarios and referencing existing small businesses. You now will consider the small business life cycle for a potential small business.

For this Assignment, create an idea for a small business. Next, review the small business life cycle (Chapter 20 in your Entrepreneurial Small Businesstextbook.). With your small business idea in mind, and reflecting on the concepts and best practices you have learned throughout the past six weeks, write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:

  • Briefly describe your small business (i.e. name, industry, goods or services provided, location, size).
  • Explain the strategies you would use to ensure your company is successful at each of the five stages of the small business life cycle.
  • Explain risks and opportunities associated with each of the five stages of the small business life cycle.

Evaluating Engaging Learning Experiences

Within your team from the Weeks 4–6 Discussions, choose groups of two or three to share feedback on a series of learning activities from Week 6.

Note how well your teammates have applied Fink’s taxonomy, Weimer’s learning-centered teaching, and Barkley’s skill categories to their individual projects. Note how their learning experience engages their chosen audience and fits with their chosen context. Note how their first learning experience relates to their second and third.

Review one of your teammates’ series of engaging learning experiences and give constructive feedback, citing ideas from readings throughout the course. Consider whether their chosen strategies will support student engagement and learning and suggests what additional improvements they might make to further address this goal.

By Day 7

Submit your Assignment.

Assignment length: 2–3 pages

Define “Realism” as a major art movement during the nineteenth century

Define “Realism” as a major art movement during the nineteenth century. Google images of Courbet, such as “The Stone Breakers” and “Burial at Ornans.” Courbet used to brag that he was known as “the first socialist painter.” Explain how Courbet’s paintings reflect the philosophy of Realism as a response to the Industrial Revolution.

word count 800

no refrences apart from stated

Langston Hughes, “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” Claude McKay, “If We Must Die”


Langston Hughes, “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”

Claude McKay, “If We Must Die”


For this assignment, you are asked to expand your discussion by analyzing two poems.

Consider how each author satisfies modern attitudes and perhaps both confronts and renews tradition.

For “tradition,” think in terms of the American rights and/or values that are addressed in each piece.


-500 WORDS



Social Change Implication

To prepare for this Discussion, think about how your dissertation has social change implications. Clearly state the social change implications in your dissertation, as well as your abstract

Post- provides your definition of social change and the social change implications of your research. Describe your experiences with completing this stage of the process, highlighting any barriers or challenges. You may want to also provide guidance to each other’s posts as well.

Post whether you met the goals that you set for yourself in the beginning of the quarter and whether your expectations differed from reality. If you have met your goals, explain how. Provide an effective tip or strategy can you share with your peers to help them complete their dissertations. Identify any specific barriers or challenges that you encountered. Explain how they were resolved.

Post what you accomplish this week and post any questions, comments, or concerns fo

The Heart of Darkness

The Heart of Darkness is one of the great literary criticisms of Imperialism in Africa. Marlow, the main character, is originally fascinated by the possibilities that exploring Africa has to offer a young man seeking his fortune and a name for himself, but he later becomes disillusioned with the process. Discuss why Marlow originally had faith in Imperialism, but then came to regret his participation in it.

Character in Our Town

This final project will require you to gather research material, analyze it, evaluate it, and bring it together to act as support for your writing. All options require strong critical engagement with both the focal primary text(s) and with the required peer reviewed sources.
General Requirements for the Project:

All submissions must:

· use 3 peer reviewed sources in addition to whatever primary texts they discuss (and these sources must be used, actually cited, in the essay, not just listed in the works cited at the end)
· be 1000-1500 words long
· must be original to this class (no resubmissions from other courses are allowed)
· be in MLA format and use MLA style citations (see The APUS Library MLA Guide for MLA formatting models; most of you sources will probably need to use the “Journal Articles” model)
BE CAREFUL that you do not create a cut and paste essay of information from your various sources; your ideas are to be the focus of the essay, and the research should only supplement and support your ideas. Also, take great care not to plagiarize; if in doubt, cite the source. See the sample essay for an example of an MLA formatted essay.
These projects will be graded using the Research Project Essay rubric .

DISCLAIMER: Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.

Topic Choices for the Research Project

Choose one of the following prompts to guide your project.

· Setting of Wilder’s Our Town: Thornton Wilder’s Our Town is set in 1908 – or is it? Why is the set for Wilder’s Our Town empty and artificial? How does the set of Our Town help highlight the theme of the play (make sure to mention that theme in your essay). If you want, you may choose to discuss a production or two of Our Town to help you prove your point about the setting.
· Classifying The Merchant of Venice: The Merchant of Venice is a troublesome play to classify in the usual Shakespearean categories of comedy, history, or tragedy. Though it ends with several marriages, and therefore matches the usual pattern of a comedy, it also contains some very dark and problematic elements, such as Shylock’s essentially forced conversion to Christianity. How do you think that we should view this play? Is it really a comedy? Is there any way to argue that it is a tragedy? Be sure to clearly define your understanding of tragedy and comedy; for some helpful sites, see Comedy and Tragedy by David L. Simpson of DePaul University, and the Comedy and Tragedypages by Lisa Schnell of the University of Vermont.
· Character in Our Town: Wilder’s play does not appear to be chronological. Instead, it appears that time is a bit muddled in this play and that the Stage Manager has the ability to manipulate and disrupt time. Who is the Stage Manager, why does he disrupt the play’s chronology, and what purpose does the Stage Manager serve?
· Satire in The Importance of Being Earnest: Oscar Wilde is known for his satire, and The Importance of Being Earnest is no exception to Wilde’s usual mode of satirical writing. The effect of satire will change, however, depending upon the audience, and one of the fascinating things about this play is that the people Wilde satirizes are also the people he expects to be watching the play. Why does Wilde satirize the viewers who will be buying the tickets? What kind of reaction might he be aiming to evoke in his audience?
· Make your own essay topic: create your own topic that focuses on one play that we read for this unit, or on some specific related element of two plays. Avoid responding directly to any of the forum topics for this unit, though you may work with an offshoot of the ideas that came up during discussion. Please note that you contact the instructor for feedback by Thursday of Week 7 if you choose this option.

Marx & Engels, The Communist Manifesto

Please write a 500 word essay response to this:

Does our society still have classes like the proletariat and the bourgeoisie as described in the Communist Manifesto? If so, does the one still exploit the other?

[About 2 pages (500 words), MLA format]

America the Vulnerable

  1. In a well-written paper:
    • a. In a two-page paper discuss Stephen Flynn’s recommendations for effective homeland security. Do you agree with the recommendations? What, if anything would you add or revise?
    • b. Make sure your discussion reflects themes in Chapters 13 through 14 of our textbook.
  2. Your papers must:
      • i. The first page of your paper will be a cover sheet correctly formatted according to APA guidelines.
      • ii. The second page will include an Abstract.
      • iii. This paper will use 1-inch margins, Times New Roman 12-point font, and double spacing.
      • iv. A minimum of two citations must be included and the citations for each article MUST be correctly formatted according to APA guidelines. Do NOT use an automated citation manager to perform this function. Do it manually for this assignment and check your formatting against available APA resources.
    • a. Excluding the cover page, the Abstract and references page, this paper must be at least 2 pages of written text.
    • b. Only COMPLETE paragraphs consisting of an introductory sentence, a full explanation of key points supported with properly cited sources, and a concluding sentence may be used.
    • c. Only use published articles from academic texts, such as those found at or accessed through your Grantham University EBSCO host account (not Wikipedia).
    • d. The entire paper must be your original work. It may not include quotes and at no time should text be copied and pasted.

Henri Fayol and Systematic Management

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 2 and 3 in the textbook and the Moynihan (2009) article, The Response to Hurricane Katrina.
Every organization within the field of criminal justice has a management hierarchy of some sort. Included among the many tasks assigned to managers are budget planning, financial decision making, and effecting personnel decisions. However, what is missing at times in criminal justice agencies is effective leadership. Too often policy makers confound leadership with management. The two can be, and often are, quite dissimilar.
In the City of New Orleans immediately after Hurricane Katrina, a variety of political and local managers and leaders congregated in the Central Business District in an effort to arrive at a consensus as to the wisest course of action. Among those present was Michael Brown, the director of FEMA, Ray Nagin, the Mayor of New Orleans, and various state politicians. No action plan could be developed as each respective politician was so focused on their own needs that they soon became blinded to effective alternatives. Added to those problems were the combined effects of serious deficiencies in communication and coordination of rescue efforts.
Consider the information provided in your required sources for this discussion and include the following elements in your initial post:
Explain the major characteristics of leadership. Describe the primary traits of management.
According to the five functions of management developed by Henri Fayol, explain the ways in which the response to Hurricane Katrina failed.
Evaluate the financial constraints that affected the situation at the time and describe which organization or individual you believe offered the most effective leadership after the storm. Provide a rationale supporting your statements with evidence from the required readings.
Your initial post should be at least 400 words in length.

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