Archive for August, 2017

Corporate Finance

Proposal #1 would extend trade credit to some customers that previously have been denied credit because they were considered poor risks. Sales are projected to increase by $150,000 per year if credit is extended to these new customers. Of the new accounts receivable generated, 9% are projected to be uncollectible. Additional collection costs are projected to be 3% of incremental sales (whether they actually end up collected or not), and production and selling costs are projected to be 77% of sales. Your firm expects to pay a total of 40% of its income after expenses in taxes.

1) Compute the incremental income after taxes that would result from these projections:

2) Compute the incremental Return on Sales if these new credit customers are accepted:

If the receivable turnover ratio is expected to be 2.5 to 1 and no other asset buildup is needed to serve the new customers…
3) Compute the additional investment in Accounts Receivable
4) Compute the incremental Return on New Investment

5) If your company requires a 18% Rate of Return on Investment for all proposals, do the numbers suggest that trade credit should be extended to these new customers? Explain.

Strategic HRM Plan

American Plastics had fared rather worse than its competitors during the economic downturn. With revenue, quality, and productivity down, management set several goals to reverse the company’s fortune. One area in need of improvement was human resources and “Janet,” the newly appointed HR Director faced a daunting challenge: to quickly re-invent the Human Resources function, reposition it a strategic partner to the business, and improve employee perceptions of her department. Her predecessor retired after leading a major reduction in force causing a significant exodus of key talent, some unexpected. Janet was charged with finding a way to retain top talent and develop a steady but highly-qualified stream of candidates to fill regular as well as critical positions.  The CEO agreed with her that differentiating the human resources function was essential for the company’s strategic plan to succeed.

In her first two weeks on the job Janet discovered:

  • Job descriptions were inconsistent, long but vague lists of high level “duties and responsibilities” and qualifications
  • Job titles didn’t reflect the work people did, used instead as a framework for budgeting and compensation as many were doing unique work requiring different knowledge and skills.
  • Aside from providing a coordinating function, human resources had outsourced recruiting to third parties who presented candidates based on their internet postings and other sources. No matter the level or criticality of the open position, human resources rarely conducted interviews or assessments before or after handing over the third party resumes to the hiring organization and would get involved again only when a candidate was selected.
  • HR’s participation in the onboarding process of new employees was limited to having them attend a half-day orientation session where, between a video and a slide presentation about the company, they filled out benefits-related, payroll, ID and other paper forms.
  • Training and Development (T&D) had largely been outsourced to several companies that provided generic on-line courses.
  • The recent departure of several mission-critical employees disclosed no systematic means of capturing expertise from employees; when they left, their knowledge left with them.
  • The Performance Employee Evaluation Program didn’t align with anything, was viewed by managers and individual contributors alike as a burdensome annual chore that interfered with people’s “real jobs.”

The management of talent is one of a handful of strategic services human resources can offer. The decline of traditional HR functions through automation, self-service, and outsourcing demands a “culture change” within human resources: adopt a business focus by an organization still structured largely around benefits administration, time and attendance reporting, labor cost processing, and similar transactional operations.

Write a communications plan not to exceed 1,050 words to support the strategy of American Plastics.

Justify why they were important for your strategic HRM planning process.

Recommend how to address these considerations.

Focus on resolution of the human resource management challenges in order to support operational strategies.

Cite all sources according to APA formatting guidelines.

Ten Principles of Economics and How Markets Work

In Week 1, students are introduced to the ten fundamental principles on which the study of economics is based. Throughout this course, the students will use these ten principles to better develop their understanding of economics and how society manages its scarce resources. Students will see how markets work using supply and demand for a good to determine both the quantity produced and the price at which the good sells. The concepts of equilibrium and elasticity are used to explain the sensitivity of quantity supplied and quantity demanded to changes in economic variables. Students will see how government policies impact prices and quantities in markets.

Assignment Steps 

Resources: Principles of Microeconomics, Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6.

Prepare an 875-word research paper as part of a marketing research committee for your organization about current microeconomic thought and theory.

Identify the fundamental lessons the Ten Principles of Economics teaches regarding:

  • How people make decisions
  • How people interact
  • How the economy works as a whole

Explain the following to help the committee members understand how markets work:

  • How society manages its scarce resources and benefits from economic interdependence.
  • Why the demand curve slopes downward and the supply curve slopes upward.
    • Where the point of equilibrium is and what does it determine?
  • The impact of price controls, taxes, and elasticity on changes in supply, demand and equilibrium prices.

BUS 472 Lab Unit 1 Lab Assignment: Build the Project Plan

NOTE: Each unit in this class contains a lab assignment that deals with a project. Be careful selecting your product or service. You’ll use this same topic for each of the unit lab assignments.
You have been assigned to develop a new product or service for your organization. In this first lab assignment, you will build the project plan.
Topic Below:
If you are in IT Management, is there a new software package that would improve the operation of your business? Is there a new piece of computer hardware that would improve your computer operations?
Your Project Plan must meet the following criteria:
Write your report in essay form, using bullet points only where appropriate.
If you use outside resources (and you should!), cite your sources using APA format. This includes information that you use from your textbook as well! Use the double citation reference system: The first is a parenthetical ( ) citation in the text of the report where the research material is used. The second citation is in the References page where full reference details are given.
Use American Psychological Association (APA) style to format your paper, regardless of whether you use additional resources or not. You do NOT need an Abstract. The Overview takes the place of the Abstract. Here is a helpful link for information on APA style: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Use correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.
You report should be a minimum of 3 pages and no more than 5 pages in length including the reference page.
The content for your Project Plan should include the following:
Background Analysis/Overview of the Project
Develop a project scope write-up for the project you selected. Your write-up should explain your project concept, constraints and expectations. Concentrate on the big picture. You don’t need to go into specific details.
Identify your goals and targets.
General Approach
Determine your Project management approach.
Supply your project constraints and/or resource requirements.
There is a sample project plan that you can follow for this report on page 67 in your textbook: Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage, by Jeffrey Pinto, 3rd Edition.
Please make sure there is no plagirism in your work as it will be checked through chalk and wire by instructor.

Time value of money

Please show your work.
Decision #1: Which set of Cash Flows is worth more now?

Assume that your grandmother wants to give you generous gift. She wants you to choose which one of the following sets of cash flows you would like to receive:

Option A: Receive a one-time gift of $ 8000 today.
Option B: Receive a $1250 gift each year for the next 10 years. The first $1250 would be
received 1 year from today.
Option C: Receive a one-time gift of $15,000 10 years from today.

Compute the Present Value of each of these options if you expect the interest rate to be 3% annually for the next 10 years. Which of these options does financial theory suggest you should choose?

Option A would be worth $__________ today.
Option B would be worth $__________ today.
Option C would be worth $__________ today.
Financial theory supports choosing Option _______

Compute the Present Value of each of these options if you expect the interest rate to be 6% annually for the next 10 years. Which of these options does financial theory suggest you should choose?

Option A would be worth $__________ today.
Option B would be worth $__________ today.
Option C would be worth $__________ today.
Financial theory supports choosing Option _______

Compute the Present Value of each of these options if you expect to be able to earn 9% annually for the next 10 years. Which of these options does financial theory suggest you should choose?

Option A would be worth $__________ today.
Option B would be worth $__________ today.
Option C would be worth $__________ today.
Financial theory supports choosing Option _______

Decision #2 begins at the top of page 2!

Decision #2: Planning for Retirement

Luke and Olivia are 22, newly married, and ready to embark on the journey of life. They both plan to retire 45 years from today. Because their budget seems tight right now, they had been thinking that they would wait at least 10 years and then start investing $1800 per year to prepare for retirement. Olivia just told Luke, though, that she had heard that they would actually have more money the day they retire if they put $1800 per year away for the next 10 years – and then simply let that money sit for the next 35 years without any additional payments – than they would have if they waited 10 years to start investing for retirement and then made yearly payments for 35 years (as they originally planned to do).

Please help Luke and Olivia make an informed decision:

Assume that all payments are made at the end of a year, and that the rate of return on all yearly investments will be 8.4% annually.

a) How much money will Luke and Olivia have in 45 years if they do nothing for the next 10 years, then put $1800 per year away for the remaining 35 years?

b) How much money will Luke and Olivia have in 10 years if they put $1800 per year away for the next 10 years?

b2) How much will that amount you just computed grow to if it remains invested for the remaining
35 years, but without any additional yearly deposits being made?

c) How much money will Luke and Olivia have in 45 years if they put $1800 per year away for each of the next 45 years?

d) How much money will Luke and Olivia have in 45 years if they put away $150 per MONTH at the end of each month for the next 45 years? (Remember to adjust the 8.4% annual rate to a Rate per month!)

e) If Luke and Olivia wait 25 years (after the kids are raised!) before they put anything away for retirement, how much will they to put away at the end of each year for 20 years in order to have $800,000 saved up on the first day of their retirement 45 years from today?

Green and Sustainable Business report

Green and Sustainable Businesses Report Instructions
Selection of Topic:
Below are some likely topics or processes used by businesses that are going green and sustainable that you can discuss in your report. You can discuss several of these or other topics or processes that you find in your research:
1. Recycling
2. Composting
3. Energy efficiency
4. Use of renewable energy sources
5. Ethical sourcing
6. Reusing products
7. Reducing packaging
8. Reducing toxic wastes or using less toxic materials

Your paper must contain an introductory paragraph, the body of your work, and a conclusion. Do not quote from your sources. You need to put information from your sources into your own words (reiterate: quotes from sources are not allowed. This is your paper and it needs to be written by you).
In terms of the body, the following format must be followed:
1. Introduce the topic of green and sustainable business practices by providing information about, especially from your peer-reviewed articles, what businesses are doing and why they are going green.
2. Describe in detail what 3 businesses are doing with regard to going green and being sustainable. Ethical sourcing can also be described. You can include why the business is using these practices (does it make them more profitable, reduce their costs, or coincide with ethical reasons?). Graphs can be included in the figures section and referenced in the body of your paper showing increased profits or reduced costs since the business went green and sustainable.
3. Draw conclusions and comment, from a biblical stewardship perspective, on the merits of the measures being used by the businesses to go green and be sustainable.

Use the following outline when writing your paper. Each point on the outline below must be a separate section within your paper (see the example outline document in order to observe how to lay out your paper). You will notice that these section headings correspond to the content points above.
I. Title Page
II. Introduction – this must include general information about green and sustainable business practices from your sources, especially your peer-reviewed journals. Your introduction will be approximately ¾ of a page long. You do not need to label this section heading; this is simply the beginning of your paper.
III. Description of the selected businesses green and sustainable practices along with why they are doing it. In this section, create a heading with the business name for each of the businesses you cover.
IV. Conclusions that would include your comments, from a biblical stewardship perspective, on the merits of the measures being used by the businesses to go green and be sustainable. Your conclusions will be approximately ¾ of a page long.
V. Figure(s)
VI. References

The the example outline document for a frame of what the paper will look like:

This paper is to be no more than 5 pages. Do not exceed this page limit. The title page, figure pages, and references section do not count toward this page total.

You must use current APA format. Your paper must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins. Font must be 12-point Courier New or 12-point Times New Roman. Include a title page with your name, instructor’s name, course number and title, date, and paper title. Current APA formatting rules can be found at this website.

Your report must include at least 6 literature sources, not including the course textbooks. Two of the sources must be from peer-reviewed journals; the remaining 4 sources can be from manuscripts, scholarly textbooks, and/or .edu or .gov websites or the websites of the businesses being described this report. List all of your sources in a reference page at the end of the paper.

Be sure to cite your sources in the body of your paper using current APA format. Current APA formatting rules can be found at this website.

Plagiarism is a serious academic infringement. Avoid it at all costs. To learn more about plagiarism and how to avoid it, visit this website. Note that you are fully responsible for any plagiarism detected by the instructor of this course. Cases of plagiarism will be dealt with according to current policies established by Liberty University Online. This assignment will be submitted to SafeAssign for evaluation.

Website Design Class

After you have completed all of the tutorials in Chapter 8, turn to page 635 in your textbook and do Case Problem 2, Willet Creek Golf Course. Make sure all files are uploaded to cPanel and submit your URL for the willet.htm file when you are finished.

Website Design Class

After you have completed all of the tutorials in Chapter 8, turn to page 635 in your textbook and do Case Problem 2, Willet Creek Golf Course. Make sure all files are uploaded to cPanel and submit your URL for the willet.htm file when you are finished.

Current Market Conditions Competitive Analysis

Explain the factors that will affect demand, supply, and prices of that product.
Below are the requirements. The word count doesn’t need to be as extensive, since I am only doing the above section.
Purpose of Assignment
Students will develop cost curves on which firm behavior is based and will utilize these cost curves to determine the behavior of their chosen organization in the market served. Using the concept of comparative advantage, students analyze trade opportunities and use the model of supply and demand to explain factors that could affect demand, supply and prices. Students will determine various factors that could affect their organization’s total revenue and will recommend actions the firm could use to maximize their profit and their presence in the market served.
Assignment Steps
Scenario: You have been given the responsibility of working with your organization’s CEO to do a competitive market analysis of the potential success of one of their existing products.
Research an organization and a product produced by that organization in which an analysis can be conducted.
Write a 1,750-word analysis of the current market conditions facing your product, making sure you address the following topics:
Define the type of market in which your selected product will compete, along with an analysis of competitors and customers.
Analyze any comparative advantages and international trade opportunities.
Explain the factors that will affect demand, supply, and prices of that product.
Examine factors that will affect Total Revenue, including but not limited to:
Price elasticity of demand
Factors that influence productivity
Various measures of costs, including opportunity costs
Externalities and government public policy and their effect on marginal revenue and marginal cost
Recommend how your organization can maximize their profit-making potential and increase their presence within the market served by the product.
Cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources from the University Library.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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Define crowdsourcing

Define crowdsourcing and describe an example not already presented in the chapter.

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