This a follow-up question on assignment #TTs020916_148430_62In 500 words, i would like you to summarise the following from the attached document :- Ontological and epistemological assumptions of your research- Research methodology a discussion of your chosen methodology, whether it is quantitative or qualitative and why you have chosen this particular methodology- Research methods: a description of the method(s) that you intend to use and how you are going to develop your instruments- Research design: a discussion of the design of the research including the number of intended subjects; location of subjects (country, organisation); where the interviews will take place, how long they will take and how they will be recorded, if applicable; how many questionnaires will be sent out and expected return (or just the latter, if online), if applicable; use of pilot studies, ethical issues such as anonymity and so on.Analysis strategy: how your data will be analysed. Quantitative data will be analysed using statistical techniques such as t-tests, regression analysis, analysis of variance etc. The data will also need to be tested for normality. Qualitative data will be analysed using coding techniques (see – click on Chapter 3 for more details).Reliability and validity: see Easterby-Smith, Thorpe and Jackson (2012) in the first instance although you may need to look at more specialised texts once you have decided which methods you will use
Written on May 3rd, 2018 by
RMT – HIA Week 4