Write a reaction paper

PURPOSE: to better understand what it is like to have a disability and/or aging in our society and to identify and express ones OWN thoughts feelings and ideas about what is read and about people with disabling conditions and/or the aged.
MUST BE AT LEAST THREE (3) PAGES IN LENGTH WITH NO MORE THAN HALF A PAGE OF SUMMARY THE REMAINDER MUST BE REACTION your OWN thoughts feelings ideas in response to what you have read in the books.
Reaction Paper MUST be on the book (or CD set) NOT the movie Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom
In addition to your own thoughts feelings and ideas concerning what you read include comments on how reading it may have given you a different perspective about having a disability and about people with disabilities and/or aging in our society; in what way(s) and why? Short quotes from the book read may be used only to clarify a point you are making about what you read.

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