Need help responding to these two discussion post from my peers 100 words each
As you have learned in the readings extinction is a natural selection process and humans are often responsible for accelerating this process. In your initial post this week address whether or not we as humans should be concerned with the extinction rate and justify your decision. Additionally discuss whether or not humans should strive to preserve representative samples of all biomes on the planet and if so how that might be accomplished.
Latroya Lavigne
I think that we should all be concerned with the extinction rate. Everything around us is changing so rapidly and our actions causing much of the change we should be very concerned. If we continue to consume certain population of animals at the current rate that species could become extinct. Take for instance fish; something that most of us consume without giving a second thought to it not being around in the following years. Consumption is not the only way that humans are having an effect on the extinction rate of fish; some of the primary causes are nonindigenous fish being introduced into the population and the loss of habitat due to excavation (Burkhead 2012). Also I feel that the preservation of current biomes and ecosystems should be something that we all strive to protect. Climate zones establish what organism can adapt and survive in a specific climate we should make it a priority to protect them (Turk & Bensel 2011).
I trust that we people ought to be doing all that we can to protect the majority of the planet’s biomes. We as individuals has make our planet begin a dangerous atmospheric deviation it is her method for say hello stop what you are doing to me I am hurting here. Biomes incorporate both terrestrial (arrive based) and seagoing (in water) groups. Biomes show a gigantic contrast in the number or assorted variety of species present and how these species interface with each other (Bensel Turk 2014). We have harm our earthly and amphibian groups. Eat less meat and fish reuse your glass and paper utilize less water plant a tree. Doing only a couple of things like this can spare our biomes.
Noel M. Burkhead; Extinction Rates in North American Freshwater Fishes 1900 2010.BioScience2012; 62 (9): 798-808. doi: 10.1525/bio.2012.62.9.5
Turk J. & Bensel T. (2014).Contemporary environmental issues(2nd ed.) [Electronic version]. Retrieved from
Anwar Thomas
Humans should be concerned with the extinction rate in this world for many reasons. Any living creature that dies from unnatural causes should bring attention on all humanity. Humans are so smart and intelligent that at the same time we are slow mentally to process information. All these rain forests animals and many species that some people dont believe are important die every single day. No one says anything about in the average conversation but sooner or later this will have an impact on all of our lives. Honestly its already starting to have an impact on every human. Examplesincludelargemammalsbirdsandlong-livedplantssuchasredwoodtrees.K-selectedspeciesaremoreproneto extinctionthanr-selectedspeciesbecausetheymaturelaterinlifeandhavefeweroffspringwithlongergestationtimes (Turk & Bensel 2014). Heres a clear example of how nature plays a huge role in extinction. There should be more awareness through social media and the Internet about the extinction rate. The world needs to be held more accountable globally when it comes to extinction of any living species. Future generations will have to do research on most species if the awareness of this problem is not taken more serious globally. Most ecologists believe that we are in the midst of the sixth mass extinction (Pearce 2015).
Humans should strive to preserve representative samples of all biomes on this planet because first of all we are not here alone. Humans are the dominate species here but not the sincerest. Our actions whether intentional or non-intentional may have negative impacts on the environment for which we have to watch and be cautious about (Science: World Biomes 2016). Money is one of the main reasons why the environment is continuously being destroyed. The revenue that corporations conglomerates federal and state governments benefit from expansion is more important to some when it comes to sustaining the environment.
Turk J. & Bensel T. (2014).Contemporary environmental issues(2nd ed.) [Electronic version]. Retrieved from to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Science: World Biomes. (2016). Retrieved from
Pearce F. (2015 August 17). Global Extinction Rates: Why Do Estimates Vary So Wildly? [Web log post]. Retrieved from
Written on May 3rd, 2018 by
Need help responding to discussion post