Once you have chosen your short story and formed a thesis statement, write a ten-paragraph critical analysis paper in
response to it, citing (direct quoting or paraphrasing) the corresponding textual source to help introduce your points
of argument and synthesize your ideas based on your reading of the text (this is a Formalist/Close Reading approach
so no outside sources, except, of course, for the textual source, are required to be cited from). MLA Style
parenthetical citations must be used (no block quoting) and a Works Cited page is required as well.
Additional Information:
Create a unique title for your paper. You must use Times New Roman font at size 12. The paper must be double-spaced.
Paragraph format is required. Remember, when writing a supporting paragraph, follow these steps: 2-3
sentences to introduce your point, a citation that backs up your point, then 2-3 sentences explaining how the citation
backs up your point (this is called synthesis).