compitive strategy

hey this is my second time that I am buying an assignment for the same subjects. please do not provide me same assignment as before cause it showed maximum number of matched plagiarism. I need plagiarism free assignment minimum 1100 words within 24 hour.

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1. Individual Assignment – Porter 5 Forces.
Your mission is to analyse the Australian car manufacturing industry by performing a 5 forces analysis and a life cycle analysis. You may examine other industries if agreed to by your lecturer.
You should find a comprehensive answer to the question ‘why is the Australian Car Manufacturing Industry closing down’.
You should bring ideas from at least two journal articles to the discussion in the main body of the report.
All ideas in the report must be referenced using Harvard Referencing.
In the first half of the report you introduce ideas, then, in the second half of the report you will discuss and evaluate these ideas to identify what is most relevant and significant.
This is a short report, so fill it with ideas and discussion.
Descriptive material has negligible value and should be avoided. We are seeking analysis, discussion and recommendation, enriched by ideas found in journal articles.
In business you will be expected to produce short well-argued reports. This is your opportunity to both develop and demonstrate that skill.
(1100 words, week 6, 20 marks)
Assessment Criteria
Demonstrated knowledge of theory. The discussion should use the concepts covered in this subject.
Capacity to apply this theory to the car industry.
The comprehensiveness of the list of issues identified
The clarity of exposition
The quality of the discussion and evaluation of the issues identified
The integration of ideas from journal articles
The clarity and utility of the recommendation
The correct use of Harvard Referencing throughout the report. (the source of all ideas must be identified)
Important things to remember while preparing an assignment
Please do not provide me same assignment as before. I am paying extra for this assignment cause i got 99% matching plegiarism when i submitted my assignment. So this is my second time that i am buying my assignment for the…


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