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COIT20228 ICT Management Assignment One Term 1, 2014 1 Literature Review (5%) General Information The purpose of this assignment is to conduct a brief literature review on a selected topic. This means you will reference external material other than the textbook in order to complete this assignment successfully. Referencing must be in Harvard format. Plagiarism detection will be used during assessment. Requirements In this first assignment, you will conduct a brief literature review on the topic of “Project Management success/failure factors”. Your ultimate goal is to answer the question “what are today’s experts saying about the causes of success and failure in ICT projects?” You should review and understand literature related to issues such as: -­–­–­-Project management success/failure factors. -­–­–­-IS/ICT evaluation methods/models and how these are used to determine if a project was “successful” or not. -­–­–­-Examples of organisations experiencing success or failure that highlight or demonstrate the principles you have researched. Look at both technology and management issues, in particular project management issues. Your submission should cite at least three academic references not counting the textbook. Your selected references must be academic (journal and conference papers or edited book chapters) and must be no more than 5 years old. The reviews you write should mainly be in your own words. So you should keep direct quotations brief and to a minimum number. Remember to format in-­-text citations correctly and to ensure that all cited works are listed in the References List. Do not list anything in the References List that you have not cited in your Review. What you need to submit You are required to submit your literature review as a single document in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx). Use the template on the assessment page as the basis for your submission. Place the References List on its own page at the end of the document. LITERATURE REVIEW…


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