this is physical geography class and this is dissociation need to answer of on paragraph
In Chapter 8, the concept of plate tectonics was introduced. Plate movement
leads to secondary lithospheric processes such as earthquakes, volcanoes, hot
spot activity, rifting, and sea-floor spreading that we will learn about in more detail
in Chapter 9. These processes are what we tend to consider as natural hazards,
which may result in catastrophic events termed as natural disasters. For this
discussion assignment I want you to find a current event related to one of these
lithospheric processes and explain what is/has been occurring and why (you may
have to refer to Chapter 9 to help you figure out what is the cause or trigger for
the event if it is not provided in the article). Provide a reference (including the
web address) to the article or information that you found for this current
event. Remember to paraphrase the information (i.e., provide a brief summary
of the event and its cause in your own words), and only use quotations when
absolutely necessary.
The current event can be within the last 5 years. Volcanoes and earthquakes are
activities that are most frequently in the news, but there are also some great news
articles on recent findings on sea-floor spreading and hot spot activity, so try your
best to expand your search and find something a little unique.
In Chapter 8, the concept of plate tectonics was introduced. Plate movement
leads to secondary lithospheric processes such as earthquakes, volcanoes, hot
spot activity, rifting, and sea-floor spreading that we will learn about in more detail
in Chapter 9. These processes are what we tend to consider as natural hazards,
which may result in catastrophic events termed as natural disasters. For this
discussion assignment I want you to find a current event related to one of these
lithospheric processes and explain what is/has been occurring and why (you may
have to refer to Chapter 9 to help you figure out what is the cause or trigger for
the event if it is not provided in the article). Provide a reference (including the
web address) to the article or information that you found for this current
event. Remember to paraphrase the information (i.e., provide a brief summary
of the event and its cause in your own words), and only use quotations when
absolutely necessary.
The current event can be within the last 5 years. Volcanoes and earthquakes are
activities that are most frequently in the news, but there are also some great news
articles on recent findings on sea-floor spreading and hot spot activity, so try your
best to expand your search and find something a little unique.