APOL 104 Quiz 2 Answers

APOL 104 Quiz 2 Answers

Apol Quiz 2 1.

I cannot be a Christian because all Christians are hypocrites is an example of:

2. Making a judgment on the basis of one or even a few samples is what type of fallacy?

3. An argument against an action on the unsupported assertion that it will lead to a much worse condition is what type of fallacy?

4. When asked by John the Baptist Jesus referenced his miracles as evidence that he Jesus was indeed the Son of God.

5. Critical thinking involves:

6. The act of faith does not involve the intellect since faith is a spiritual belief:

7. The two primary ways evidence is gathered: data gained from an external source and:

8. Critical thinking is:

9. Accepting the opinions of others as one's own opinion without applying critical thinking skills to that opinion is what type of decision-making? 10. Indecision, not making a decision, is actually a decision in itself.



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