APOL 104 Quiz 7 Answers

APOL 104 Quiz 7 Answers

Apol 104 Quiz 7 1. Christians should use clever rhetoric in their presentation if they hope to see people won to Christ. 2. People can have saving faith without understanding the gospel. 3. Islam was founded by: 4. A summary of the Islamic system of conversion is found in: 5. As a person reads and studies the bible they should ask: 6. Muslims believe that the bible was corrupted by Jews and Christians: 7. In Islam, Jesus is considered to be a prophet but not the Son of God. 8. When someone understands how much you care for them it opens the opportunity to share the gospel with them. 9. It is important for Christians to have friendships with fellow believers so that they can encourage each other. 10. Mohammed’s visions would eventually be compiled into Islam’s sacred text, the Qur’an.



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