Go to Google or a similar internet search engine and search for an example of a water crisis.

PART A:Go to Google or a similar internet search engine and search for an example of a water crisis. You will be teaching us the details about this water crisis. You can select a water crisis anywhere in the world.Here are samples of key phrases or words you might use for your    search depending on your interests:                  CAMBODIA drought                  LAOS drought                  SYRIA water crisis                  ____________ (fill in the region of your interest) water crisis                  Water warsRead at least three websites about one particular water crisis. You will be building a post based on one specific example. Provide details about one example rather than general informationNarrow your search to one area or situations. For example, rather than reporting about “Africa”, narrow your attention to one example such as “Water crisis in South Africa” or “Water desperation in the Sudan”Using examples and evidence, explain the history of this particular crisis, its cause, its impact on the people and ecosystems of the region, potential solutions and controversies concerning the crisis.Your PART A reply must minimally include 250 words of relevant information. Even though conversation is a good way to bond with others participating in your discussion, I do not count the conversational part of your post in the word-count for your answer.Do not copy and paste text from another source such as a website. I want you to research, read, think about what you have learned, ask yourself questions, do more research, keep notes, and finally prepare your answer in your own words. I want your mind to work, to think, to express.


  1. Keep track of your sources. Number them (i.e. “www#1”).
  2. Throughout your paragraphs, please insert the abbreviated citation (i.e. “www #4”) whenever you need to cite the source of information.
  3. At the end of your post, include the complete citations for the sources cited in your post. A complete citation includes both the website’s title and its URL.
  4. You must use a minimum of three web sources.
  5. You are responsible to reply to anyone responding to your Part A post (the thread or line of discussion you originated). Don’t wait until the last day of the assignment to check the discussion you originated; maintain your discussion throughout the week. When you reply to your peers, keep adding additional information so your discussion grows in depth.
  6. Subscribe to your thread (discussion) so that you will be informed when someone adds a reply.




  1. Read other students’ threads (the discussions they originated).
    • In order to reply you first need to do some further research (reading of websites) about the topic of your peer’s PART A discussion.
    • Provide a minimum of 250 words of additional significant information to the discussion in your reply.  Such replies allow the discussion to continually become richer in evidence and thought.  Conversation helps create a working relationship with other participants in the discussion, but I do not count the conversation-portion of the reply in the 250 words minimum of information.
    • Throughout your paragraphs, please insert the abbreviated citation (i.e. “www #4”) whenever you need to cite the source of information.
    • At the end of your post, include the complete citations for the sources cited in your post. A complete citation includes both the website’s title and its URL.
    • Go into depth explaining actual evidence or examples.

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