Does the benefit of Teflon and its numerous commercial uses outweigh the cost of Teflon to the public and the environment?

Assignment Requirements: This writing assignment requires you to watch a film, “The Devil We Know,” (Soechtig, 2018) and then respond to the following questions about the content of the film. The documentary itself is available through iTunes, NetFlix, Google Play and Amazon for a nominal fee. Students may also obtain a copy of this documentary from another source. This assignment is worth 100 points. To obtain maximum credit, students should complete this assignment by its due date. Your mini paper should be approximately 1,000 words or 4 double-spaced pages (12 point font, 1” margins), and should be submitted in MS Word format through the Blackboard Assignment drop box. Be sure to support your paper with references to the documentary and the textbook as applicable. 

Questions for Your Mini Writing Assignment 

1. Summarize what you see as the main issues raised by this documentary. (1-2 paragraphs). 

2. Discuss what ethics perspective (using the course materials from unit 2, including specifically the materials in chapter 6 and the related lecture on various ethics perspectives) best explains DuPont’s conduct in the documentary with its employees and the general public. Be sure to use examples from the documentary to support your answer. (2-3 paragraphs) 

3. Does the benefit of Teflon and its numerous commercial uses outweigh the cost of Teflon to the public and the environment? Why or why not? (1-2 paragraphs) 

4. Discuss what corporate culture (using the course materials from unit 2, including specifically the materials in chapter 7) best describes DuPont. Be sure to use examples from the documentary to support your answer (2-3 paragraphs). 

5. If you had pans or other items in your home with a Teflon coating, do you still have them after watching the documentary?

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