Do intelligence tests effectively measure one’s intelligence? Explain your answer using specific examples of intelligence assessments.

Answer the following question in a word count of 180 words… please have  references for this question below

· The ethical considerations associated with intelligence tests in education?






Respond to the (2) classmates discussion post separately, (100-150 word count) below and include any references if need be. 


Rana Lucero


1. I have always though that the IQ test was a good idea but I have always thought that there was some kind of flaw to it. The purpose of the IQ test is to test your general abilities to measure and see where you stand. If you score a 100 then you are average, if you get 130 or more you are considered smart, and if you get a 70 or lower you are considered mentally slow (Dovey, 2014). I think that the IQ test is a good way to see how you rate against other people in general. Some of the real abilities that we as humans have are short term memory, reasoning skills, and verbal ability (Dovey, 2014). The IQ test does not have a way of really measuring those certain skills, so what part about the test is really testing our abilities (Dovey, 2014)? These are some of the issues that I see with IQ test and wonder how it is still used if it has some many different flaws. I guess this is one of those things that people rely on it for certain information but need to make some changes to the IQ test that way it can do what it is suppose to do. 

Dovey, D. (2014). Is an IQ test an accurate way to measure intelligence or are mental abilities something you can’t put a number on? Retrieved from 







Samantha Soto

2.) Do intelligence tests effectively measure one’s intelligence? Explain your answer using specific examples of intelligence assessments.

An intelligence test is described as psychological tests that are created to measure numerous functions of the brain. This includes judgement, reasoning, as well as comprehension. Although there are great qualities in intelligence test, there are also some negatives with intelligence tests. Sometimes the tests can be inaccurate or misleading. Even though intelligence is in the name, the tests do not always measure intelligence accurately. One exam is not enough to measure what an individual’s brain can do. 

There are different tests that measure an individual’s intelligence. There are written, verbal, and non-verbal tests. These tests will dial in in independent skills, such as writing and reading. The reason for these types of tests are to assess and find children that may need extra educational support. When the results of an intelligence test are reviewed, so are race, genetics, academics, and other factors that may affect the results. These tests were created over 100 years ago and are still used today.


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