PLEASE USE AMERICAN AIRLINES AS THE COMPANY FOR THE SWOT AND PAPER. ALL WORK MUST ME ORIGINAL AND ALL WORK CITED IN TEXT. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS.For this assessment, submit the following two deliverables:A completed SWOT analysis.A 46-page paper based on your SWOT analysis.DirectionsChoose an airline currently in business to use as the basis for this assessment. Use the Internet and Capella library to research the airline.Using the SWOT Analysis Template (linked in the Resources under the Suggested Resources heading) or a similar format of your choice, complete a SWOT analysis of the airline you selected. Submit this document as part of your assessment.Write a paper that is well organized and contains the following subheadings and content:IntroductionProvide an overview of your chosen airline and its place in the industry. Write a paragraph or two that names the airline, describes it, and briefly provides background information on what business strategies the airline is using and where it fits in the industry.Internal EnvironmentUsing the strengths and weakness information you gathered as part of your SWOT analysis of your selected airline, analyze the airline’s internal environment for the conditions and factors that influence its activities and choices, including its business strategies. Examples of criteria for the strengths and weaknesses parts of the SWOT analysis are provided in the table below.The internal environment includes:Human resources staff, volunteers, board members, target population.Physical resources location, building, equipment; funding for resources grants, funding agencies, other sources of income.Activities and processes programs run, systems employed.Past experiences – building blocks for learning and success; reputation in the community.External EnvironmentAnalyze the selected organization’s external environment for the conditions and factors surrounding it that influence its activities and choices, including its business strategies. Cast a wide net for the external part as you compile your SWOT analysis. Examples of the criteria for the opportunities and threats are provided in the table below.External forces the organization does not control include the following:Future trends in the field or the culture.The economy local, national, or international.Funding sources foundations, donors, legislatures.Demographics changes in the age, race, gender, culture of those served by the organization.The physical environment.Legislation.Local, national, or international events.InterrelationshipsAnalyze the interrelationships among internal business functional areas and external constraints and opportunities.ConclusionThe conclusion should include a summary of the airline’s situation and SWOT analysis and should call out significant points of consideration. These may be items that will help it to be more successful or those that may prove problematic. Describe the key issues that you believe should be addressed to make effective decisions and business plans, and provide your recommendations or suggestions for handling this issues.Internal Environment Criteria ExamplesCriteria ExamplesStrengthsWeaknessesCriteria ExamplesCapabilities Competitive advantages Customers Suppliers Financial strength Physical facilities and equipment Resources, assets, people, employees Experience, knowledge, data Marketing reach, distribution, awarenessInnovative aspects Location and geographical Price, value, quality LicensingGaps in capabilities Lack of competitive strength Reputation, presence, and reach Financials Known vulnerabilities Pressures Cash flow Continuity Morale, commitment, leadership LicensingExternal Environment Criteria ExamplesCriteria ExamplesOpportunitiesThreatsCriteria ExamplesSocial forces, lifestyle trends Consumer desires and values Political impact Legal and governmental issues Economic factors Environmental issues Technology development and innovation Competitors Industry trends Global influences Geographical Business and product developmentPolitical effects Legislative effects Environmental effects Technology development and innovation CompetitorsMarket demand Economic factors Global influencesAdditional RequirementsWritten communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.Number of resources: Use a minimum of four resources.Length of paper: 46 typed, double-spaced pages.Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Written on May 3rd, 2018 by
Airline SWOT Analysis