APOL 104 Quiz 5 Answers

APOL 104 Quiz 5 Answers

Apol 104 Quiz 5 1. The Hindu heaven is a physical placed called Nirvana. 2. Since the fall of humanity (Genesis Chapter 3) mankind has sought to declare independence from God. 3. The founder of Buddhism, Siddhartha Gautama, was a poor peasant boy who was disturbed by the plight of the poor and the apathy of the wealthy. 4. Humans create truth through trial and error. 5. The Buddhists seeks to follow the Middle Way which keeps a person from the extremes of indulging or punishing the flesh. 6. The Buddhist belief in nirvana is essentially the same as the Christian belief in heaven. 7. Buddhism was once a sect of, and eventually split from: 8. The Hindu is more concerned with the rituals and rites that they follow, than the gods they worship. 9. Most religions are exclusive. They believe their way is the only way to truth. 10. The Buddhist does believe in a personal God so this is a good place to start when sharing Jesus with them.

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