This is my personal Strengths & Your Career Development class. My major is accounting.Write 2-3 pages, 1,000 word minimum single spaced (please add a space between the questions). Use Times New Roman font, 12 pt., 1 inch margins. Add your word count on the last page of your document. If your word count is over 2,000 words 20 points will be deducted from your paper. We have over 250 final papers to read and grade. DO NOT COPY/USE VERBATIM TEXT FROM YOUR JOURNAL ENTRIES FOR THIS PAPER! (Remember we use Safe Assign and it will show me when previous journals are being used) Please incorporate the following themes listed below into your paper. Please number your responses to the corresponding questions. Be sure to add your name to the document, the course and the semester you took the course. Format requirement like that:Ima Wildcat A&S 350 Section 202 Fall 2014TOPIC: “Discuss Your Career Journey” 1. What reason did you take the A&S 350 course this semester? What were your expectations of course? Were your expectations met?
Written on May 3rd, 2018 by
AS350 paper