Assessment 5 Place and Price Analysis

Assessment 5 Place and Price Analysis

Analyze the place and price for a product. You can use the same product you used for the previous assessment, or you can choose another organization or product.Place AnalysisAnalyze distribution channels. (How does the organization get the product to market?)

Analyze where the product is being sold and the approach to inventory.

Analyze the relationship between the company’s place strategies for the product and the company’s economic success.

Describe potential management challenges related to implementing the company’s place strategies.Price AnalysisAnalyze the pricing system for the product. Is it cost-based, value-based, or competition-based? How did you come to your determination?

Analyze the relationship between the company’s price strategies for the product and the company’s economic success.Describe potential management challenges related to implementing the company’s price strategies.Additional RequirementsWritten communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.Suggested Resources

The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. Library ResourcesRuskin-Brown, I. (2006). Mastering marketing (2nd ed.). London, GBR: Thorogood Publishing.

McDonald, M., & Wilson, H. (2011). Marketing plans: How to prepare them, how to use them (7th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Kermally, S. (2004). Gurus on marketing. London, GBR: Thorogood Publishing.Internet ResourcesBusiness Wire, Inc. (2001, June 19). REI announces strategic business changes [Press release]. Retrieved from

Business Wire, Inc. (2001, March 27). REI commits to youth with $100,000 award [Press release]. Retrieved from$100,000+award)+AND+DATE+IS+March+27+2001

Marketing Power, Inc. (2013). American Marketing Association. Retrieved from

Hoover’s, Inc. (2013). Hoovers. Retrieved from

The Ad Age Group. (2014). AdvertisingAge. Retrieved from http://adage.comDirect Marketing Association. (2013). DMA: Advancing and protecting responsible data-driven marketing. Retrieved from http://thedma.orgConcept Marketing Group Inc. (2013). Concept Marketing Group. Retrieved from

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