Assignment #2 – Training And Development

Assignment #2 – Training And Development

Assignment Commentary:


The assignment assess the module three learning objective: identify the ADDIE steps and describe the process to identify needs, design, implement, and evaluate a training program; explain why evaluating training outcomes is an important part of the strategic training process; and demonstrate skill in identifying and using credible and reliable sources of information related to employee training.


Essay Assignment Instructions:


  • this assignment is worth 80 points
  • this assignment closes to late responses after 3 days (10% penalty per day)
  • provide a well thought out response of 400-500 words drawing on information from the required textbook and one additional internet source
  • paraphrase only, no direct quotes
  • provide an organized logical progression of thought
  • use correct grammar, punctuation, sentence structure
  • this has a file upload submission with VeriCite enabled for plagiarism detection
  • provide correct citations and references for the sources

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