NS490 Capstone Course
GOAL: Construct an application or presentation that demonstrates synthesis of the key concepts in population based nursing, leadership, and management.
1. The capstone project allows the student to apply knowledge learned throughout the BSN program with a focus on Leadership and Population Health. The student should choose a topic in nursing with a focus on leadership, community health nursing, or a combination of both.
2. Note: This project is tied to the practicum and therefore is time-limited, as is the clinical practicum, to a time frame of 9-10 weeks.
3. To successfully complete your project, the faculty strongly suggests that you follow the protocol suggested below.
a. BY THE END OF LESSON 1: Meet with your Preceptor to discuss his or her views on a proposed project for you to work on for his or her site. Ask the Preceptor, “What would you like to see me do for you?” Meet with your Course Faculty (CF) to discuss what you would like to do and reach an agreement on the project to be completed. Remember the preference is for one identified within the needs for the site and your RN-BSN preparation skill set.
b. BY THE END OF LESSON 1-2: Learn about your practicum site. Synthesize and set priorities focusing on procedures, the population, the staff, and collecting information related to your project. Begin collection of information for your literature review.
c. BY THE END OF LESSON 3: Write your introduction with questions. Send this to your CF for critique. If you desire, schedule a meeting with the CF to discuss the review of your draft (in fact, the CF would prefer to meet with you).
d. BY THE END OF LESSON 4: Begin to develop your class, PowerPoint, or other materials you need to carry out your project.
e. BY THE END OF LESSON 5: Plan your activity, presentation, or the appropriate method to share your project with the practicum site. The CF should review and approve your materials prior to their use.
f. BY THE END OF LESSON 6: Present to your Preceptor or to the team or to whomever has been identified as the recipient of your work. Don’t forget to have an evaluation by the participants if you do a presentation.
g. BY THE END OF LESSON 7: Write up the summary/implementation, evaluation, and implications for nursing practice. Submit a final draft of your paper to your CF.
h. BY THE END OF LESSON 8: Rewrite and submit your final paper for grading.
SAMPLE PROJECT TOPICS (these are just samples to stimulate your thoughts. The project must be appropriate to the site):
1. Project identified as a need by your Preceptor in the site.
2. Client Education focused for example:
a. Develop a new class for your site with associated materials.
b. Evaluate some of the current educational offerings (would include designing a tool, data collection, analysis, recommendations).
c. Develop a focused ed program in a community setting like a church, homeless shelter, free clinic, etc. (under the direction of the minimally prepared BSN nurse).
3. Leadership/Management Projects
a. Classes in negotiation strategies
b. Classes in conflict resolution, team building
c. Exploration of nursing budgets
d. Assist with project proposals and/or development
e. Exploration of staffing needs
f. Management resources
4. Quality Improvement Projects
a. Chart audits
b. Gathering information needed for accreditation or movement to magnet status
5. Staff Development
a. Develop classes in cultural competence; delegation
b. Patient safety
c. Coordination of care
d. Changing practice using evidence-based research
e. Implementation of new procedures, etc.
1. Title Page
2. Abstract
3. Introduction, Project Overview
4. Review of the Literature addressing the importance of the project and background information.
5. Summary of the Project and its Implementation and Evaluation (if implemented).
6. Nursing Implications
7. Reference List
8. Appendices
a. Project plan time line
b. Project materials, reports, forms, etc. used.
• Paper must utilize APA format (12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, running head).
• This should be 10 pages minimum of content and include a title page.
• The body should have correct citations, format (APA).
• References should appear at the end of the paper.
• References should include at least four (4) refereed, evidence-based articles.
When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor.
ership and Management.